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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
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Life Sciences
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Genetic Evidence for the Convergent Evolution of Light Skin

Article Critique Instructions:
Dear Writer, The following points must be included in the critique summary: 1. Why was the study conducted, or why was the paper written? What gaps in knowledge or understanding was it intended to fill? 2. What hypotheses were tasted or what research was reviewed? 3. What are the results or conclusions? 4. Who do the results or conclusions shed light on broader issues? 5. What questions did the paper raised for you? 6. What potential methodological problems or flaws in reasoning did you notice? 7. What are some alternative interpretations of the results? 8. Other comets. Please make sure that the sentences are short, simple and direct. Thanks.
Article Critique Sample Content Preview:
GENETIC EVIDENCE FOR THE CONVERGENT EVOLUTION OF LIGHT SKIN Name: Grade Course: Tutor`s Name: (03, November, 2010) Genetic Evidence for the Convergent Evolution of Light Skin The study was conducted to solemnly a certain the strong positive correlation between human pigmentation with ultraviolent radiation intensity. Additionally, the study seeks to investigate the evolution of pigmentation variation. In addition, the research aimed at depicting the role of MATP in determining normal skin pigmentation. It also goes without saying that the study will lay a strong base for further similar research to be conducted in future. One major hypothesis of the study is that natural selection will eliminate genetic variants that are linked with lighter skins in areas of high intensity of ultra violent radiation as a protection against photo-damage. Additionally, there is a positive correlation between human pigmentation and UV radiation intensity. The study established that skin pigmentation strongly correlate with environmental ultra violent radiation. Two genes out of six, ASIP and OCA2 play a shared role in shaping light and dark pigmentation across the entire world...
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