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3 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
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Ethical Issues in Direct Drug Adverting (BE Unit VI Case Study)

Case Study Instructions:
Choose one of the following options for your Case Study assignment. Option 1: Read the Case Study, titled “Marketing in Schools,” on page 339 of the textbook. Once you finish reading the Case Study, answer the following questions: 1. Discuss the ethics of allowing advertising in schools. Is there an appropriate age in which advertising could be considered? 2. What are the benefits and drawbacks to advertising products within schools? 3. What other facts would you need to make a decision and how might your decision affect the stakeholders? 4. Discuss alternative marketing practices which could be ethical and help the schools to raise money. Evaluate each assumption you make within your reasoning, and identify and evaluate the evidence. The Case Study should be thoroughly discussed in a minimum two-page paper based upon your readings. Any outside sources used to support your statements should be appropriately cited. Option 2: Read the Case Study, titled “Advertising Prescription Drugs,” on page 335. Once you finish reading the Case Study, answer the following questions: 1. Is direct to consumer (DTC) advertising of drugs considered ethical? What facts could be supplied to help you make your decision? 2. What ethical issues should be considered when marketing prescription drugs? 3. What are the costs and benefits of marketing prescription drugs directly to physicians? Evaluate each assumption you make within your reasoning, and identify and evaluate the evidence. The case study should be thoroughly discussed in a minimum two-page paper based upon your readings. Any outside sources used to support your statements should be appropriately cited.
Case Study Sample Content Preview:
BE Unit VI Case Study
Ethical Issues in Direct Drug Adverting
Course title:

The chief purpose of any advertisement purpose is to sell a particular good or service and generate profit. As Kalman, (2004) points out, in today’s perspective, it is not difficult for drug companies to convince potential customers through their advertisements that the products are empowering them to think, not as patients, but as users. Promotion of consumer awareness is one instance, where the pharmaceutical industry has had an impact. In addition, the involvement of the patients in these chain of distribution have basically altered their role as being recipients of medical attention to consumers of the latest drugs, a function which has utterly helped a lot in support of the profit increments for these drugs.
When individuals eat well, exercise regularly and are healthy, they in most cases have no need of medical drugs. In particular, direct drug advertising is not concerned on passing to consumers information reading exercises, good and health eating, social involvements, addictions, pollution, climate change or proper drug use (Almasi, Stafford, Kravits, and Mansfield, 2006).
The main purpose of health care is beneficence, or in other words, patient’s welfare. Medical therapies are supposed to promote the well being and health of individuals either through prevention or curing of diseases. This is the basic value of ethics in Medicare (Beauchamp and Walters, 2003). This therefore translates that selling disease is confliction of either the cure or prevention of an ailment, hence directing advertising of drugs to consumers is not beneficence.
As Hollon (2005) notes in direct to consumer advertising, the action of direct advertising of drugs to consumers contravenes many ethical basis in health care. The needs and safety of the patients in this case are jeopardized for the benefit of the drug companies. T...
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