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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
2 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Discussion Note The Leaders In The Organization

Case Study Instructions:

As per the instructions on the syllabus, the discussion note should consist of two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, apply a relevant concept/theory that we have learned and explain why it relates to the case. In the second paragraph, make a recommendation for the manager in the case.
For the Lisa Benton case, choose a power or persuasion concept that is relevant to the case. Apply the concept and explain why it is relevant. Support your point with evidence from the case.
Also, make a recommendation for what Lisa Benton should do going forward based on the case. Support your recommendation with evidence from the case.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

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In Lisa Benton’s Case, coercive power is more likely to suit the case. The reason is that the leaders in the organization to which use this kind of power are the kind of people who can make things difficult for people and the person may want to avoid getting the leaders angry. From Benton’s case after her refusal to join Right-Away company, she decided to join the Home Care Division of Houseworld. Lisa Benton was in a good relationship with her managers in the new company, and she is bored with the job just a few months after being hired in the company. Both Lisa’s manager Debora Linton and college Ron Scoville have made her job hell, and she can longer be able to hold it anymore.
Right from the beginning of Lisa’s entry into the company, her manager had made her aware that she did not like the Harvard MBAs, this was a gesture that the manager was not interested with her ri...
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