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Case Study
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Quest for the Use of Calculators at the American School for the Deaf (ASD)

Case Study Instructions:

Read the following case study:
Nelsen, B. J., & Valadez, M. S. (2012). Resistance to technological change: The case of the unused calculators. Journal of Case Studies, 30(2), 14-20. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Then, in a well-written 5- to 6-page paper, to include 3 scholarly sources from the required and optional readings list, please respond to the following:
Part One:
Briefly summarize the circumstances confronting Ms. Figueroa in her quest to have the calculators widely used at the American School for the Deaf (ASD).
Part Two:
Identify the key individuals (stakeholder groups) in the unused calculator case, and discuss the extent to which each stakeholder is resistant to change (i.e., is amenable to use of the technology).
How might the different perspectives of each of the major stakeholders, in this case, come together to further increase the overall resistance to change at the ASD?
Part Three: Using the background readings:
What factors—other than the technology itself—do you believe contributed to the resistance to change on the part of each of the major stakeholders you have identified in Item #2 above (mistrust, fear, loss of job security)?
Part Four: Conclude your paper by commenting on the following:
Is it possible that Ms. Figueroa can resolve this situation such that the calculators can be used at the ASD?
Or, is the resistance to change at the ASD now impossible to overcome? Be sure to explain your reasoning.
Campbell, H. (2014). Chapter 3.3 – Commitment to Change. Managing organizational change: a practical toolkit for leaders. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Case 2
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Case 2
Part one
Ms. Inez Figueroa's primary challenge in her new job is resistance to organizational change by her senior colleagues and supervisor. Figueroa is a qualified teacher to handle the special needs students, especially in teaching mathematics. She was hired because of her expertise in teaching mathematics. Her dream is to introduce sophisticated technology to help non-hearing students comprehend, understand, and tackle mathematical problems easily (Nelsen & Valadez, 2012). Therefore, the circumstances confronting Figueroa in her quest to have the calculators widely used in American School for the Dead (ASD) are her urge to ensure the special needs students pass, her expertise and enthusiasm to share her mathematics skills, and the resistance to change by her colleagues and the supervisor.
Figueroa is a qualified mathematics teacher. This is why she was hired to teach at ASD. Her dedication to ensuring special needs students pass their academic tests and prosper in life makes her invoke the use of sophisticated technologies to ensure students grasp most of the content she teaches. As an expert, her primary mandate is to pass knowledge in the best way possible. According to her, the new calculator technology she wants to introduce will be instrumental for the success of her students.
However, Figueroa faces resistance from her colleagues, who do not approve of using the technologically sophisticated calculator. Surprisingly, her supervisor also resists her using the technology to enhance the students' teaching experience. This is despite having been hired to introduce the technology in teaching mathematics. Figueroa needed the support of her supervisor and other senior officials to ensure the success of the implementation of the new program. She is new to ASD and needs to establish her ground by proving what she can do best. This does not happen as soon as she faces demoralization from her seniors. The degree of resistance she receives shows that Figueroa's colleagues and supervisor knew the administration would support Figueroa more than them. Therefore, to maintain the status quo, they resisted the change and dissuaded her from pursuing technology use.
Figueroa faces a cultural obstacle in implementing the technology in ASD. The senior teachers and her supervisor are afraid that Figueroa will break the status quo. Her success in using the technology is likely to make the other teachers feel demoralized. They are resistant to change, which means the new calculator technology is a threat to their workplace image (Ján & Veronika, 2017). They fear a younger teacher will outshine them but cannot admit it. This makes them use excuses like students will have trouble adjusting to the technology fast
Part two
The key stakeholders in the unused calculator case are the hiring committee and ASD top administration, Ms. Figueroa, her senior teachers and supervisor, and the students. These stakeholders uniquely affected the introduction of the sophisticated calculator technology by Figueroa.
The hiring committee and the ASD's top administration dropped out of the picture after assessing and hiring Figueroa. During the hiri...
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