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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
3 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Case Study: United Airlines Image Problem

Case Study Instructions:

You and your teammates will write the white paper.
Topic: United Airlines image problem
I am doing the Background section of the white paper
This section provides the background information required for the audience to grasp the problem and, ultimately, the solution. The content may be detailed and technical or broad and high-level. The content depends on the reader and the problem.
If original research is completed for the white paper, the methods should be communicated.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Institution of Affiliation
United Airlines has been in the commercial airline business since 1931. United Airlines has the most all-inclusive international route network in the world, including widespread gateways with both direct and indirect flights from anywhere in the United States. The country regards the environment highly just like the quality of involvements with a modern fleet and also fuel proficient amongst network transferors in America (Mueller et al., 2017). Notably, UA has had a share of its bad experiences with customers for quite some time but given their leading in loyalty in the united industry, there are more opportunities to redeem and earn miles across the globe. This explains why the airline has partnered with big organizations and is praised for its loyalty programs and their services offered to their passengers in regards to other airlines. However, its weakness is still visible in overbooking flights, problems with the computer, and a reputation that is tarnished CITATION Ric17 \l 1033 (Chambers, 2017). These problems do not just seem to go away.
The airline has an opportunity to revive itself from the bad mistake in PR and is hoping to increase its loyalty program for their customers (Benoit, 1997). The airline faces threats from their competition within the U.S and around the world. Some of the airlines in the states took advantage of the United Airlines incident and took their customers. In countries where the United Airlines is not in business, the likes of Qatar and Emirate airlines are gaining loyalty with the customersCITATION The17 \l 1033 (The Action Network, 2017). UA should seek to emulate its services with such renowned airlines in order to also gain customer loyalty.
Recently, many isolated incidents have surrounded United Airlines in controversy, with one being especially notable. On April 9th, 2017, there was an announcement made that United Airlines workers were to remove passengers in order to make room for crew members who needed to board due to inadequate crew members elsewhere (The Action Network, 2017). In turn, willing passengers were offered gifts vouchers ranging from $400 to $800, a hotel room for the night, and a booked seat on a flight that was scheduled to depart 21 hours later. Trouble began when no passengers volunteered (Mueller et al., 2017). Four people were then randomly selected but only three agreed to leave because the fourth passenger, a doctor, refused a...
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