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Communications & Media
Case Study
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Campaign Planning: Souce Credibility

Case Study Instructions:

Pretend that you are planning a campaign that encourages students of the MA in Communication program to donate money to a nonprofit organization (e.g. the Red Cross). Recommend one (and only one) source and justify your choice, based on this week’s review of source credibility and receiver characteristics. When recommending your source, you can either name it (e.g. Robert Cialdini) or describe it (e.g., a prominent scholar in the communication field).
Cialdini, R.B. (2021), Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (New and Expanded). New York, NY: Harper Business, Chapter 3, Liking, The Friendly Thief, pp.73-125.
Cialdini, R.B. (2021), Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (New and Expanded). New York, NY: Harper Business, Chapter 5, Authority, Directed Deference, pp. 199-240.
Gass & Seiter, Chapter 4, pp. 74-93.
Aronson, E. (2012). Mass Communication, Propaganda, and Persuasion (pp. 73-84 only). In E. Aronson (Ed.), The Social Animal. New York: Worth Publishers
Tormala, Z. (2011, March). Experts are more persuasive when they're less certain. Harvard Business Review, 32-33.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Source Credibility
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Source Credibility
The source credibility significantly determines whether the message communicated will be understood by the target audience. In that light, a careful selection of the most appropriate spokesperson in a campaign is necessary. If I am planning a campaign to encourage students of the Master of Arts (MA) in Communication program to donate money to a nonprofit organization, I would keenly select the source to facilitate credibility. For the target audience to participate, I need to have a logical, emotional, and credible campaign.
The most appropriate source I recommend is “Chapter 4: Credibility” in Persuasion, Social Influence, and Compliance Gaining (4th ed.) by Robert Gass and John Seiter. The authors define credibility as the judgments made by the receiver concerning the communicator’s believability (Gass & Seiter, 2011). On that note, the target audience has to believe what the spokesperson is saying. For instance, selecting a young celebrity or social med...
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