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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
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Health Care Delivery System Components

Case Study Instructions:

Module 3: Health Care Delivery System Components 

"Now that you know more about the different components of the health care system and the concept of a Primary Care Medical Home, Iwould like you to think about how all of the pieces work together. Read the following case scenario. 

Case Scenario: A 67 year old widower with heart failure, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease was taken by ambulance to the emergency room for pneumonia. He was hospitalized for 10 days and needed one month of rehabilitation before going home. Once home he needed additional assistance for one month until he eventually was able to live on his own without assistance.

Answer these questions based upon the scenario:

1. Identify as many health care providers (at least 4) AND allied health care professionals (paramedics, aids, etc.) [at least 10] as you can that likely worked with this man over the past six months (before, during, and after his hospitalization). Hint:

There could be dozens of different people. Note: Do not simply provide a bulleted list of job positions. Discuss when they become involved.

2. What might have been done prior to his hospitalization that could have prevented his hospitalization?

  1. What should be put in place to prevent a readmission to the hospital?
  2. Use this week's assigned reading to help define the term "Medical home" and explain the role a good medical home may play in this process?
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Healthcare Delivery System Components
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Healthcare Delivery System Components
Question 1
The patient in the case scenario has interacted with several healthcare providers due to his old-age health conditions. For instance, a cardiologist treated his heart failure issues, while a general physician doctor diagnosed and treated diabetes and pneumonia. A radiographer participated in the imagery of the kidneys, and lastly, a nurse cared for him during the admission phase in the hospital. Aside from the healthcare providers, other allied healthcare professionals could have interacted with the man during his treatment and recovery processes, both at home and in the hospital. They may comprise medical records officers who collect the patient’s health data, laboratory technicians who conduct the blood sugar tests, and hospital matrons who ensure comfort in the ward. Others include dietitians who advised on proper nutrition, fitness instructor and occupational therapists who assisted in exercise planning, a home-based nurse for medication adherence, and family, friends, and neighbors who offered moral support.
Question 2
Prevention measures such as good health habits include ensuring the patient has a helper at home to keep him warm through the appropriate dressing. If there had been a helper or home n...
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