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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
5 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Impacts of Effective and Poor Leadership

Case Study Instructions:

Health care management requires leadership skills which will test your ability to make vital decisions. “Like a rapidly mutating cancer cell, poor leadership within healthcare systems can cause toxic symptoms that adversely impact organizational work cultures and staff satisfaction and lead to burnout” (Werberg, 2010, para. 1). Assessments made by leadership have a direct relation to many areas, including but not limited to the following: The quality of care provided, staff morale, and organizational reputation. As a trailblazer of your organization, you will use effective leadership skills to manage/avoid conflict, make effective recommendations, manage staff, and protect the overall quality/efficiency of the organization. To make effective decisions as a leader you should identify the major facts, indicate if or what problems exist, and finally, recommend a solution.

This assignment requires you to review a practical case study and analyze the elements of poor leadership. The case study also explores characteristics of a health care leader while introducing safety culture. Your assessment and responses to the realistic scenario should be based off leadership attributes.

Werberg, D. (2010). Transformational leadership and staff retention: An evidence review with implications for healthcare systems. Nursing Administration Quarterly.  34(3), 246-258. doi: 10.1097/NAQ.0b013e3181e70298

Case Assignment

Read the following case study published by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement:

Griner, P. (2017). Case study: On being transparent. Retrieved from

After reading the case study, you should complete a 2- to 3-page case analysis that includes three distinct sections (in addition to your introduction and conclusion):

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

BHA 320 Case 2
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Importance of Organizational Culture
In any given organization, leadership is integral as it guides how an organization should operate. In a nutshell, leaders influence and motivate their followers by exhibiting effective leadership behavior geared towards the realization of organizational goals. They also engage in crafting organizational culture, which, in turn, influences the behavior of employees. As such, leaders must demonstrate effective leadership skills to lend their organizations a competitive edge over their rivals. The skills include emotional intelligence, the ability to identify and solve issues, and the ability to inspire, among others (Weberg, 2010). In the healthcare fraternity, such skills play a pivotal role in enhancing the satisfaction of employees, reducing burnout, and improving employee retention, among other benefits.
Summary of the Case Study
The case study highlights two accounts narrated by Dr. Griner, president of Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York. The two incidences implicitly depict the impact of effective leadership or lack of it. They specifically look at the importance of being transparent. In that regard, the doctor shows how dealing openly with clients can improve or wreck the reputation of a health institution.
The first incidence occurred at the Strong Memorial Hospital, whereby a decimal point error in a dosage resulted in the death of a 6-year-old patient hospitalized for severe constipation. The HR director advised Dr. Griner to immediately hold a press conference and admit the error committed by the resident and nurse (Griner, 2017). During the press conference, reporters wondered why the two had not been interdicted. In response, the doctor explained they were competent employees who were not directly responsible for the unfortunate error. Showing support to employees in healthcare is paramount as it leads to substantial improvements in medical cost trends (Taylor, 2018). Dr. Griner clarified that it was basically a system error, and the hospital did not have electronic medication error avoidance systems, given the incident occurred in 1984. In sum, the doctor pledged to put strict measures in place to prevent the replication of a similar mistake.
The second case contrasts with the first one because the involved hospital staff could not accept liability for fear of legal implications. The case involved a wealthy man from Switzerland who visited the United States every year for a comprehensive medical examination. During one such trip, the man fell while walking and fractured his pelvis (Griner, 2017). He was admitted to a well-known hospital in New York. After being hospitalized for three weeks, the patient asked for a transfer to Strong Memorial Hospital after realizing no improvement. Upon examining him, Dr. Griner was shocked by the discovery of an inch-deep ulcer, which could only heal through surgery. When Dr. Griner wrote to the president of the other hospital to clarify the patient’s care, he received no response. This prompted him to call the president, who referred him to the hospital’s lawyer, who disclosed that the hospital wou...
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