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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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ISSA Certified Nutritionist. Health, Medicine, Nursing Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

Find a potential client (friend, family member, current training client, yourself) and initiate an initial assessment.
Have the client complete the appropriate questionnaires. Forms can be found in the “Initial Assessment and Triage Questionnaire” packet included with your course materials.
Design and fully describe your nutrition and coaching plan for the client including:
1. Your findings from collecting preliminary client information
2. Client level and the reason for choosing this level
3. Limiting factors
4. Outcome goals
5. Behavior goals
6. Which assessments you will record and why/how you will incorporate the results
7. Your recommended nutrition and supplement plan
8. What (if anything) your client will need to discuss with his or her physician
9. Referrals to your professional network (if needed)
10. Proposed appointment scheduling including:
a. Frequency
b. What you will discuss at each appointment
11. A plan of action if you observe a plateau
12. A plan of action if your client changes his or her goals
Be as detailed as possible in your plan.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Nutrition Plan
Institutional Affiliation:
Nutrition Plan
My client, Fred Hawkins, appears to be slightly obese due to his high intake of processed foods, including sugary drinks, fries, and potato chips, fried, grilled, and broiled meat. As a fireman, he faces challenges in fulfilling his tasks; since his job requires him to be active at all times and to respond to emergencies appropriately. Although he works out by jogging every morning, he has not managed to maintain the right body shape and weight. In this regard, he often feels exhausted while working and after work. Hawkins has not been diagnosed with any significant health condition; thus, he is not under any continuous medication, but he understands that he runs the risk of developing cardiovascular disease because he consumes a lot of refined foods. Further, my client is a level 2 client because he demonstrates that he understands proper nutrition and its influence in achieving a healthy lifestyle. Still, he needs to be guided in planning and taking the right direction.
Hawkins is very ready and willing to change but feels hindered by the nature of his firefighting job that makes it challenging to fulfill behavior change requirements like regular sleeping and eating habits. In the foregoing, the firefighting work environment is quite disruptive as he receives night and day calls at any time. Moreover, he faces a lot of stress due to the difficult decisions that have to be made when saving lives, and the danger he is exposed to. Outcome goals for Hawkins include achieving and maintaining the right weight as well as having more energy and vitality to perform strenuous tasks in his job. On the other hand, his behavior goals include exercising more regularly and eating healthier food. Accordingly, he has succeeded with the exercise initiative by working out through jogging every morning. Still, he has not done well regarding eating healthier food since junk food is more readily available than healthy food at his workplace.
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