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Case Study
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Gideon v. Wainwright Case Assignment

Case Study Instructions:

Please read Gideon v. Wainwright, located under the module for Week 12. Then write a case brief of the opinion. You should use the sample case brief, located under the module for Week 1, as the suggested format. In your brief, you should summarize the case IN YOUR OWN WORDS and focus on the logic that the court used in coming to its decision. You will be graded on your accuracy and understanding (15 points), your thoroughness and explanation (5 points), and your grammar and organization (5 points).
This assignment should be submitted as a Word document, uploaded to Canvas. Your brief should be around one to two pages in length, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with one inch margins.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Case Brief
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Case Brief
Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335, 83S. Ct. 792 (1963)
Gideon was charged with breaking into a poolroom in a Florida state court. His intent was to carry out a misdemeanor, something that is considered a felony under Florida law (Prentzas, 2009). When he appeared before the state Court, Gideon informed the court that he was poverty-stricken, requesting the Court to appoint him a lawyer, and asserting that he was entitled to representation by counsel. The Court then informed Gideon that according to Florida law, only poor clients charged with capital offenses are allowed to court appointed counsel (Prentzas, 2009). It is here that Gideon proceeded to a jury trial, made an opening declaration, cross-examined the State’s witnesses, and called his individual witnesses. He also refused to give evidence himself and made a closing argument (Prentzas, 2009).
While serving his sentence, Gideon filed an appeal for habeas corpus attacking his conviction and sentence on the basis of the trial court’s rejection to warrant him counsel denied his constitutional rights and rights allowed to him under the Bill of Rights (Prentzas, 2009). The Florida State Supreme Court denied relief. Furthermore, since the issue of an accused person’s constitutional right to an advocate in state court continued to be a controversial subject since Betts v. Brady, the U.S. Supreme Court approved certiorari to again evaluation the issue (Prentzas, 2009).
Clarence Early Gideon is considered to have been an unlikely hero. He was a man who possessed an 8th grade education and who ran away from home when in middle school (Prentzas, 2009). Most of Gideon’s life was spent as a drifter, spending most occasions in and out of prisons for nonviolent crimes.
The main issue in this particular case...
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