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Analogical Versus Case-Based Reasoning (Literature & Language Case Study)

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Analogical Versus Case-Based Reasoning
Analogical Versus Case-Based Reasoning
The world is full of issues that require human reasoning to come up with a solution, strategy, or make a sound judgment. For instance, climate change caused by human activities is a global concern that needs deep reasoning to ensure its effects are counteracted in the early stages before they get out of hand. The reason, in It case, could be analogical or case-based. Analogical reasoning in the form of thinking involves finding a standard relational system between two or more exemplars (Prade & Richard, 2017). An example is likening life to a pizza box. No one knows how their near or far future is as we are not sure of the content in a pizza box until we open it. Case-based reasoning uses cognitive science and artificial intelligence as primary models for reasoning. It argues that a problem can be solved by retrieving similar stored “cases” that describe the issue under question and using the same solutions to solve the current problem (Richter & Weber, 2016). Therefore, based on Al Qaeda’s (AQ) past cases, it is likely to become more dangerous to the US Homeland security than Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).
Al Qaeda is probably a terrifying group of terrorists globally. It is linked to most of the attacks that have happened in the world since the 1990s. The group was formed in 1988 and made its first major bomb attack in 1998 on the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, where several people died. Another attack on American soil followed It in August 2001 on the twin World Trade Center towers in New York, killing at least 3000 people (“Al-Qaeda,” n.d.). Two successful attacks targeting the most powerful country in the world is a significant challenge to American intelligence.
AQ carried out several other successful attacks in different places globally. Surprisingly, the next four successful attacks took place yearly. In October 2002, the AQ carried out an attack in Bali where 202 people died, and more than 200 others were left injur...
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