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Case Study
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Does Economic Growth Depend on Population Size?

Case Study Instructions:

Along with a hard copy of that article with a proper citation, I want you to provide a brief explanation consisting of two parts. First, present a brief summary of the article. Second, provide some analysis of your own by introducing and then applying appropriate fundamental class material to the article. The reference can come from The Economist or the Wall Street Journal. The analysis must be related to economics knowledge. I've already posted the example on files.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Does Economic Growth Depend on Population Size? Name Institution Course Reflection: β€˜Does economic growth depend on population size?’ The economist article dated 16th April 2019, states that there is a correlation between economic growth and population growth. The report compares this statement to Asia scenario where its population made a significant change its economy, now they are leading, and the article predicts that in 2020 Asia will account for more than half of the global production (The Economist 2019). The article goes further and describes how population plays a significant role in economic growth; the author explains that people are the raw material of economic growth, therefore the more the people, the more the increase in the economy. The article also states that country with more population offer specialisation in trade which in turn results in the significant market and comparative opportunity boosting economic output (The Economist 2019). In the course material, population growth has an enormous effect on the workforce of a country, natur...
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