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Case Study
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Advantages of Competency-Based Approach to Identify Performance Gaps

Case Study Instructions:

I will provide the course powerpoints, the case and questions to you. You need answer Question 1 and 2. Thank you so much !

1. Describe the Advantages of the Approach used to Identify Performance Gaps

2. Why Would Managers Resist or Support this Approach?

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Case Study Questions 1 & 2 Responses
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Describe the Advantages of the Approach used to Identify Performance Gaps
The Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan developed the competency-based approach to performance gap identification to ensure their employees' performance corresponds to their organizational goals and objectives. A competency-based approach is centered on implementing a training program based on what an individual can do, centered on the expertise acquired from the training (Boahnin, 2018). It enables recruitment firms to select the best candidates with operational knowledge and abilities to perform the specific job effectively. Also, a competency-based approach to performance gap identification ensures better performance in business organizations. By considering the expertise and competencies required in each task role, managers and workers engage effectively and share project implementation milestones, progress, expectations, and success to ensure performance improvement (Karimiri et al., 2018). In addition, it eliminates unconscious bias in organizations by standardizing and defining the framework of capabilities that each candidate should meet regardless of diverse backgrounds and attributes (Shet et al., 2019). Lastly, this approach promotes successful leadership succession by defining capabilities required at each level of the organization.
Why Would Managers Resist or Support this Approach?
The competency-based approach for performance gap identification equips human resource managers with the specific expertise needed for each candida...
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