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Brainstorming Session

Case Study Instructions:

This phase of the coaching process requires brainstorming. Think you know everything there is to know about brainstorming? Too often, we overlook some essential basics about processes we think we know well. Take a few minutes to refresh your understanding of effective brainstorming in this article from the Trident Online Library:
Reed, K. M., & Allen, J. A. (2022). Suddenly virtual: making remote meetings work, pp. 1-12. Skillsoft. Available in the Trident Online Library in the Skillsoft Database.
Brainstorm as many options as possible that will help your coachee achieve his or her goal.
Discuss the options and select the best ones.
You may offer your suggestions, but let your coachee do most of the work of generating and evaluating the options. Remember that the objective is to get the coachee to commit to action, and this means that the coachee must feel “ownership” of the plan.
Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment below.
Turn in your 4- to 6-page paper to the appropriate dropbox by the due date.
Keys to the Assignment
After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45- to 50-minute session:
What are your goals for this session? How will you know if you are successful?
What skills will you use?
How will you go about doing this?
What questions will you ask?
Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes). Remember the ultimate goal of the session is to come up with a plan to which the coachee commits.
Write up your post-coaching reflection.
Report the facts of the coaching session; summarize the plan.
What went well and what did not?
What did you learn about coaching from this session?
What would you do differently next time?

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Brainstorming Session
Brainstorming is a group activity and method of establishing and developing ideas for a specific goal; this could include new ideas or knowledge from existing information. According to Urbano (2021), the group should set goals to increase a familiar and productive engagement, ultimately leading to success. This plan sets out a layout for a brainstorming session with the coachee to effectively increase their goal setting and productivity and hopefully realize their full potential. The objective is to put the coachee in a mindset that enables them to brainstorm the options and opportunities they can put into action to improve their standing and productivity. Ultimately, the brainstorming session will assist my coachee in realizing their potential.
Brainstorming Session Plan (45 to 50 Minutes Session)
Goals for This Session
The following SMART goals will guide the brainstorming session:
* To brainstorm ways to help coachee achieve their goal and increase productivity.
* Brainstorming with the coachee as many options as possible.
* Establish and identify the best options, review them, and establish the preferred option.
* Give ideas but let the trainee do a large portion of crafting and assessing the alternatives.
* Get trainee to be more active toward taking action and make the coachee feel ownership of the plan.
How to Know Whether One Has Succeeded
Since the goal of the coaching session is brainstorming, I will consider my tactics and session successful if these three components are apparent:
* The coachee is fully engaged in developing options and alternatives for their actions.
* Successful development and review of eight alternatives.
* After review, selection of the best actionable alternative.
* The coachee takes up ownership of the options and selects a preferred actionable plan. This can be established through their responses, energy levels, body language, tone, and comprehension of the brainstorming session's desired outcomes.
* The mutual attention of the coachee will be signified by the level of concentration and interest throughout the session.
Skills to Use
At the beginning of the brainstorming session, I will build a rapport with my coachee for 5 minutes. I will rely heavily on communication skills such as attentive listening and asking questions. We will also have a brain-writing session where the coachee will write down their goals and possible solutions for their goals. In this nonverbal writing and conceptualizing technique, everyone will record three thoughts that connect with the subject matter. One can have around 10 minutes for this interaction. Then after the session, we will go through each solution in detail.
Additionally, I will introduce a mind mapping session for about 15 minutes. This is a visual approach toward conceptualizing and is helpful for successful engagement. The visualization is based on the primary or raw thought which is expanded to sub-thoughts and ideas. Finally, we will have a 15 minutes star-busting session. Star-bursting is a later-stage conceptualizing procedure that occurs when a gathering has chosen a plan to expand upon and possibly execute. Here we will generate new ideas, and the coachee will begin with...
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