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Consultant's Letter. "KITEA(B): Getting Ready to face IKEA"

Case Study Instructions:

Please ask the writer read the case "KITEA(B): Getting Ready to face IKEA" that I uploaded first, summarizing the key issues of the case including your recommended course of action at the stipulated time; address what you think are the key issue(s) and provides a suggested approach for management to follow.
And then, based on above, the writer needs to writer a "Generic Consultant's Letter". About the generic consultant's letter format, please let the writer follow the sample letter that I uploaded.
NO OTHER source needed.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Consultant’s Letter
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name/Number
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Dear Mr. Amine Benkirane,
I hope this letter find you well. With increasing resistance from employees and pressure on customers, I recommend you pursue and maintain a proactive strategy encompassing the following items. Use a different approach to motivate employees, set local prices for exported goods, and restore some of your SKUs.
Potential risks from not addressing and mitigating the use of fear to motivate employees can result in a toxic work environment. Employees are motivated by radiating positivity, being transparent, and creating flexibility. Exported products should have local prices. There is a difference in the economy of the exporting and importing country. And as such, the prices should be set according to worker ...
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