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Freeman-Brown Private School Case Study Management Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

Refer to the "Freeman-Brown Private School Case Study" document for details pertaining to this assignment.
The board of directors at Freeman-Brown Private School (FBPS) has hired you as part of a consulting team to review the situation and present your findings and recommendations. Write a paper (1,500-1750 words) that discusses the case. Complete this assignment from the perspective of the hired consultants. Respond to the following questions:
Review how organizations interact with their external environment (as open systems and complex adaptive systems). How effective was Freeman-Brown as an open system at the time of the closure? How effective was Freeman-Brown as a complex adaptive system at the time of the closure?
Review your reading this week on the internal environment of organizations. What is your evaluation of the organizational culture and organizational climate at the time the decision to close two campuses was made?
What is your evaluation of the decision made by Dr. Murphy and Caudill? What is your evaluation of the process of going about the closure?
Was FBPS demonstrating social responsibility? Discuss the closure impact on three specific stakeholders.
Provide an explanation, using appropriate management theories, for how the administration could have handled the closure effectively with stakeholders? Include one theory from each of the following: the classical approach, the human relations approach, and the modern management approach.
You have been asked to suggest two goals: one long-term and one short-term goal for the future direction of FBPS. Justify your decision.
Present a concluding statement that integrates the 4 functions of management as a means to revamp management at FBPS and meets the recommended goals.
Use at least two academic resources as references for this assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Freeman-Brown Private School Case Study
Student's Name
Institution's Name
Course Code: Course Name
Date of Submission
Freeman-Brown Private School Case Study
Freeman-Brown Private School was found in 1944. The founders of the institution were from two families, Freeman and Brown families. Since it was first established, the schools have continued to grow and become one of the most influential institutions with an advanced curriculum. Parents and guardians describe the entity as an institution that has a favorable environment for high performance. Through a positive reputation, several campuses of the schools were started to allow students to enroll. The positive reputation arose from a rigorous academic tutoring approach. It was known to foster an environment that was favorable to families and students. The community was valued within the school, and many parents were impressed with the approach used in teaching. In 20007, the two founding families decided to sell the schools to Caudhill International Family of Schools. The goals were to allow the organization to expand its international focus and bring in more international students. When the school came under the Caudill International Family of Schools' management, many of the institution's primary objectives changed. The goals and values that initially guided the institution were transformed into a complex and more advanced system. Through the conversion, many of the schools that had been established under the Freeman-Brown Private School system. The closing of the campuses resulted from a lack of professional approach in managing the changes after the changing of the system. The process should have in a way that maintained the core values that guided the Freeman-Brown Private School (Grand Canyon University, 2016).
Before it was sold to Caudhill International Family of School, the operation of Freeman-Brown Private School was based on an open system. On the other hand, an adaptive strategy has diverse aspects that work together as a single entity. Through the available network, parents were impressed by the approach in management and teaching. A strong sense of community made parents feel happy about the school's teaching process's diverse developments. There was much confidence in how students were being taught and the overall management of the curriculum. The school was described as an academic excellence institution, which implies that many students were succeeding because of the unique approach to teaching. After the acquisition by Caudhill International Family of School, things changed. The open system that was initially used in the school became a complex adaptive system. The FBPS and Caudhill management operated independently of the new management system. They merged their approaches as a single unit as they continued to adapt to the latest environmental requirements. At the moment when Freeman-Brown Private School campuses were being closed, the open system that has existed within the institution was no longer present. Due to the changes in the system, the existence of the school was affected. The different management sections within the organizational hierarchy were no longer collaborating in ensuring that the school survived the looking changes. There...
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