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Case Study
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Planning and Budgeting Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

• Integrate and synthesize a variety of sources (e.g., professional and scholarly literature, course discussions
and presentations, legislation and policy) to identify and respond to changing conditions of an information
organization (Course learning outcome 4);
• Apply theory and current practices in planning and management (e.g., human resource, technology,
collection, space) to make and justify cases for resources to meet organizational needs (course learning
outcome 1);
• Justify plan and budget in relation to organizational and professional goals and values (course learning
outcome 3) and the broader environment in which the organization operates;
• Design and create an effective and persuasive budget case and cover letter appropriate to the intended
audience (Course learning outcome 2)
Imagine that you’ve been hired by the information organization you applied to in the cover letter & resume
assignment. Your manager calls an all-staff meeting and announces that the organization has funding resources to
support one new project/program/event/etc. All staff members are encouraged to submit a proposal, including a
budget and plan, for consideration. The winning proposal will receive up to $20,000 to carry out their proposal.
Your submission will need to consider things like:
• Organizational structure and culture;
• Organizational goals and vision;
• The needs and desires of existing stakeholders;
• Possible opportunities for outreach and collaboration;
• Space, location and environment;
• Resources (collection, technology, human)
In each budget, explain your categories of spending. For instance, if you need to buy specialized equipment, note
what and how much/many you will need and why. Provide a justification for the number, level and hours (e.g.,
full-time, part-time, contract) of employees and/or volunteers you propose. Be sure to justify all of your requests
in relation to the goals, values, and priorities of your parent body/board/funder and/or of the profession.
Write a proposal to your parent body/board/funder accompanying the budget package, providing a compelling
description of the plan you propose and a justification for the budgets you have requested. This letter should
succinctly highlight the budgetary requests and should summarize the relationship of your plan to the goals and
values expressed in your scenario and/or to professional values. This assignment has a 10-page maximum page

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Planning and Budgeting Case Study
Institutional Affiliation
Planning and Budgeting Case Study
Cover Letter
Dear Sir,
The need for better information conveyance or organization has never been on demand than in the current era. The contemporary environment is highly dynamic and fast-paced compelling the dissemination of information as fast as possible. Failure to do so leads to missed opportunities, which investors, as well as companies, consider as losses in the present economic state. This assertion arises because lagging gives fellow competitors a significant competitive advantage that could prove the difference in the short- and long-term. The information delivered at the appropriate time is vital in making informed decisions. This reason justifies the firm's unrivaled desire to have its clients gain as much information as possible on the performance of various companies in the marketplace as well as industry analysis.
Vipers Limited is a company that specializes in the production of magazines that are solely centered on economics. Selling of physical magazines is the primary source of revenue for the firm implying that they have to be innovative and creative if they are to conquer the current market. These distributions are conducted monthly. In a month, employees are expected to synthesize critical information on precise companies that are listed in the stock exchange. The data relayed ranges from governance, ethics, management, and financial performance of the companies. These are consolidated to form a compelling report that can entice investors and more so, the general public to consider buying the succeeding magazine. In this regard, the magazine has to touch on the most important subjects that determine the improvement in the share price of a certain company. Moreover, it has to be diversified to cater to the vast range of needs of current customers and prospective ones. In this regard, it has to integrate the present circumstances in as many industries as possible including energy, automobile, healthcare, service, agriculture, construction, and mining. However, this list is not comprehensive enough to cater to all of them.
The Proposal
This business model leads to the creation of another relevant, but a more innovative system to harness a greater market share. This proposal highlights a much-needed approach to using widespread technology advancement in the modern age. In this case, the major cause of this change arises from the fact that the current economic environment is quite dynamic. Economic variables that make a significant impact on businesses induce such changes in a relatively shorter period. For instance, the death of the chief executive officer (CEO) could result in dwindling or rising of the share price. In this case, if the CEO is associated with corruption and embezzlement of funds, then shareholders will likely to be reprieved and become aware that the share price is bound to rise. On the other hand, if there are disagreements on the possible replacements then there is bound to be imminent disarray in the company’s fortunes. These events are several and form pieces of conclusive evidence that could be used in forming a worthwhile case on whether to invest in a specific compa...
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