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Case Study
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Identify requirements

Case Study Instructions:

Project 2: Case Study—Identify Requirements

Using the case study, identify the technical requirements necessary for the successful completion of the Merging IT at DaimlerChrysler http://www(dot)cioinsight(dot)com/c/a/Past-News/Case-Study-Merging-IT-at-DaimlerChrysler/ .The extrapolated requirements should focus on security, interoperability, and operations.

Using the template provided, identify and prioritize 10 requirements that the newly merged IT system must meet. Additionally, note any applicable standards that govern how the requirements should be met or how the system should perform post-merge. Use NIST Special Publication 800-53a as a control guide and select one control per requirement that must be implemented in order to facilitate each requirement's secure operation.

Step 1: Review the selected case study and choose 10 requirements related to security, interoperability, and operations.

Step 2: Prioritize the selected requirements based on immediate need, security posture, complexity, resource availability, and cost.

Step 3: Identify applicable standards (if any) that govern how the requirements must be met, implemented, or measured.

Step 4: Using NIST Special Publication 800-53a,  select one control per requirement and describe how this control enhances the security posture or facilitates the secure implementation of the requirement.


Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Identify requirements
Course title:
Identify requirements
Technical RequirementsPrioritization 1(Highest) – 5(Least)StandardsControl1Communication systems, Information System (IS) accounts, information systems (ISs) and integrating them ISsImmediate Need: 2
Security Posture: 1
Complexity: 2
Resource Availability: 1
Cost: 3The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB) holds that every critical financial data must be protected from compromise by using safeguards including encryption that comply with FIPS 140-2 (Agari, 2014). AC-1: Account Management – This control will ensure that the organization manages information system accounts including communication systems accounts2Size up systems and application needs and security controlsImmediate Need: 1
Security Posture: 1
Complexity: 2
Resource Availability: 1
Cost: 2CA-2 Security Assessments – this control allows the firm to carry out an assessment of the security controls in the IS to establish the degree to which the controls are executed accurately, operating as required, and generating the required results with respect to attaining the system’s security needs.3Design ideal architecture with accredited information systemImmediate Need: 1
Security Posture: 3
Complexity: 1
Resource Availability: 1
Cost: 1CA-6 Security Accreditation – this control allows the organization to accredit the IS for processing prior to operations and updates the authorization, or whenever there is a major alteration to the system.4Choosing which systems to integrate and how resources will be allocatedImmediate Need: 2
Security Posture: 2
Complexity: 1
Resource Availability: 2
Cost: 2SA-2 Allocation of Resources – this control allows the organization to determine, document and allocate resources as part of its capital investment and planning process, the needed resources to amply protect the IS...
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