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Handmaid's Tale Case Study: Mother Daughter Relationships

Case Study Instructions:

Part 1 Birthday
In this section several mother-daughter relationships are presented with an honesty that is sometimes brutal and sometimes sad.  Choose any one of these relationships and describe it in detail. Why do you think Atwood presents it in this way?  Use and cite a quotation from novel to support and/or illustrate what you say. 
Part 2 Soul Scrolls
In this section we get to see the men in Offred’s life through her eyes.  Explain her relationship with the Commander.  What had been her relationship with Luke? What comparisons can you make between the two men?  Use and cite at least one quotation from novel to support and/or illustrate what you say. 
Part 3 Jezebels
Rebellion has many faces.  Several people are examples of rebels in one way or another. Describe one incidence of rebellion in this part of the novel.  Why do you find it admirable, or not?  Use and cite a quotation from novel to support and/or illustrate what you say. 

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Handmaid's Tale Case Study
Mother and their children have a strong bond that is rarely broken. In the novel, human relationships, as well as the role they play, are repeated throughout. The chapter begins with the dream where Offred is in a dream and is dreaming about her daughter, following her all around the house. “I dream that I get out of bed and walk across the room, not this room, and go out the door, not this door. I’m at home, one of my homes, and she’s running to meet me, in her small green nightgown with the sunflower on the front, her feet bare, and I pick her up and reel her arms and legs go around me and I begin to cry, because I know then that I’m not awake. I’m back in this bed, trying to wake up, and I wake up and sit on the edge of the bed…”(Atwood, 122). In the quoted exert above, there is a clear indication of how the mother-daughter relationship has been portrayed all over the book. Mothers have been portrayed as caring guardians to their daughters, who always want the best for them. Despite being hurdles all along with their relationships, the mothers have ensured that they are always thinking about their daughters. Atwood has used the mother-daughter relationships in this chapter to create a scenario where others are deep, real, passionate and have an all-consuming love clearly depicted in the character Offred.
It is evident that Offred and Commander are in the progressed relationship where they are relaxed in each other’s company, although they still meet in secret. “I visit the Commander two or three nights a week, always after dinner, but only when I get the signal. The signal is Nick. If he’s polishing the car when I set out for the shopping, or when I come back, and if his hat is on askew or not on at all, then I go. If he isn’t there or if he has his hat on straight, then I stay in my room in an ordinary way.”( Atwood, 178). They play leisure games like scrabble, and Offred is even given a chance to read secretly in his company (which she considers better than sex). Additionally, they are in a relaxed situation such that she asks the commander for a conversation rather than the forbidden book. Personal information is even shared between the two of ...
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