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Visual & Performing Arts
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Hands On Art Assignment: Traditional vs. Digital Painting

Coursework Instructions:

I will give the instruction on the picture. I think my professor give us the link of the video which can be used as the references.

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Hands on Art Assignment
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Hands on Art Assignment
For both of these art pieces, I needed to begin with a sketch to visualize the finished product in terms of the colours and tones that should be used. The sketch provided a fundamental understanding of the colour scheme and the shadows and highlights necessary to make the picture appear authentic. There was a dramatic change in how my primary concept was represented depending on the method of expression I used.
In terms of angle, the non-traditional art media made it much easier to make the necessary adjustments and scale the object down or up as desired using a computer. The traditional method provided painting with another layer as the only option. It was practically impossible to change an angle without making a mess. Blending colours using a computer was much easier as one only needed to add two colours. In traditional art, one needed to have the right colours and know how to mix them to obtain the right shade.
The colour choice was also a problem; there was a limited choice in the traditional method as the only way to get the desired colour ...
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