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Visual & Performing Arts
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Thar History – Coursework. Ancient Greece. Agamemnon

Coursework Instructions:

I think there are 3 parts,
So answer 3 PASSages ,five PASSages to choose from.
For the key term Identification,write two to three short sentences defining the term and explaining its significance. If you were to choose “Elements of Tragedy,” so it is 1 PASSage
Answer 5 key terms,ten key terms to choose from.
TOTAL PASSAGES: 7 PASSages that I needed
Use the file that I uploaded to answer the exam example with rubrics.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Thar History – Coursework
Your name
Subject and Section
September 26, 2018
1 Passages
1 Passage #1
1 Author: Aeschylus
2 Title: Agamemnon
3 Character: Chorus
4 Time period: Ancient Greece
5 Significance: The main significance of this passage is that it utilizes common elements of tragedy like those pieces conceived during Ancient Greece. It also reflects the sentiments of people who lived during those days.
2 Passage #3
6 Author: 1 point.
7 Title: Oedipus
8 Character: shepherd
9 Time period: Ancient Greece
10 Significance: Despite being intended for a performance, the passage provides an insight about the state of living for children those days. Days which are filled with war and contempt.
3 Passage #6
Author: Sophocles
Title: Oedipus the King
Character: Chorus
Time period: Ancient Greece
Significance: As compared these days, death during the time of Ancient Greece is said to be a glory that a man can behold. This passage reflects the culture and thinking of those people, and provides an apt comparison with how we think today.
2 Review: Key Term Identification
4 Performance – according to Schechner, is not only an avenue of drama and theater, but also of everyday life. This definition is important as it shows how the ways we perform relates to external inf...
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