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Stele of Naram Sin Analysis

Coursework Instructions:

Goals of the Assignment:
1.To provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the form, meaning, and function of works of art produced during different time periods and by different cultures.
2.To focus and synthesize that understanding into a critical analysis of one key aspect of the visual culture of ancient, medieval, and renaissance art.
The Assignment: Although they are quite different in terms of medium, style, and the circumstances of their production and display, the four works of art listed below are all excellent examples of images of power and the way in which art can be used to present an identity of power and/or prestige. Write a two- to three-page essay in which you establish the basic facts about each work. Then discuss what they have in common and how they differ in terms of their history, style, function, and they ways in which they convey a sense of religious and/or secular authority. Based on what you have learned in lecture and the assigned readings, what historical and cultural circumstances can account for those similarities and differences?
•Victory Stele of Naram Sin
•Augustus of Primaporta
•Justinian and His Attendants, San Vitale, Ravenna
•Limbourg Brothers, January page from the Très Riches Heures
It goes without saying that the content of your paper is very important, but you also must present it in a clear, concise, and grammatically correct manner. Do not use contractions, the first person, or colloquial language. Read your paper carefully before you hand it in to ensure that you are following directions and submitting your best work.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

History of art
Institutional Affiliation
Throughout history, works of art have been customs to different cultural groups. Various reasons such as political, religious or social inform the different types of art. The essay will establish the basic facts about the four works of art, establish their similarities and differences, and determine the historical and cultural circumstances that account for these similarities and differences.
The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin is a six feet seven tall monument that dates its existence to 2254-2218 BC during the reign of the Akkadian Empire. The monument commemorates the triumphant victory of King Naram-Sins and his army against the people of Lullubi Mountains. The stele carving, utilized pink limestone, positioned the troops in a hierarchy manner facing forward, and up towards King Naram-Sin who was their god, while he faced above to the stars that represented their gods. The Augustus of Primaporta is a portrait that stands at 2.3 meters high. Its date of sculpting is thought to be around 20 B.C. E and was discovered on 20 April 1863, at the villa of Empire Augustus’ wife. The statute is the most significant portrait of Emperor Augustus, meticulously carved by use of marbles from the Paros Island in Greek. The statue is a depiction of a successful emperor and army commander in decorated military attire, a cloak across his waist and a baton in his hand addressing his military men.
The Justinian and His Attendants, San Vitale, Ravenna is a renowned 547 A.D colorful image that shows Emperor Justinian of the Roman Empire and his court, sketched in apse mosaic design on the inner space of an altar at the San Vitale church in Ravenna. The image illustrates the political authority of the emperor before troops and members of the clergy in defending their faith and supporting their empire during the middle ages. The Limbourg Brothers, January page the Tres Riches Heures, is a painting with a height of 30cm and a width of 21.5 cm width, started in C.1413, by the Limbourg brothers and painter Jean Colombe finished it in 1489. The painting, documented in the illuminated Book of Hours, utilized a parchment medium. It illustrates an International Gothic phase in January of gift giving, when the wealthy friends of Duke de Berry, brought him gifts.
The four works of art are similar in that each of them depicts their history by primarily focusing on a great military hero and political leader. Emperor Naram-Sin of the Akkadian Empire was a great rul...
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