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1 page/≈275 words
3 Sources
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Business Communication

Coursework Instructions:
Describe three general online approaches that companies might follow to communicate with their users. In what ways does this type of communication differ from direct communication? In what type of market communications do most companies spend the bulk of their advertising dollars? What are some of the advantages of that type of communication.
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Business Communication
Companies might communicate online with their users using different ways. It can create alert- based communications where it notifies its customers any time new information and reports are posted online. The firm sends email alerts to its users so thatthey can access information immediately. The firm can also create customized views based on the user profile which makes its users see information that relate to their profile (Korper, 2000). Firms can also create private sites for media contacts where journalists can provide press releases, photos and other information.
Other than passage of information, these methods differ from direct communication in the sense that there is no body language, personal touch, no tone, the customer cannot ask questions and get answers immediately and bargaining power which is usually present during direct marketing is not there , (UCAN, 1995). Also people feel secure when they communicate directly to the firm rather than online.
Most companies use catalog marketing to advertise their products. Catalog marketing is the selling of goods and services using a multi-page printed medium which is known as advantage of this type of marketing is that it gives the companies the benefit of being in a position to determine immediately through analysis where they wentwrong and therefore take corrective measures. It covers a whole range of actions and disciplines which at large has become greatly accepted method of shopping, (Perner, 2011). It is proven that consumers who usually receive catalogs are likely to become frequent customers online. Normally, buyers like having catalogs in their hands, so having catalogs online makes it simple for customers to make their orders online any time they feel like (Philips, 2011). Buyers are also able to make their orders using their phones and through mails.
Korper, s. (2000). The E-Commerce B...
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