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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
1 Source
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.37

Categories of Air Cargo Systems

Coursework Instructions:

Use the powerpoint I attached to write a two to three page report.
Write and submit a two to three page report summarizing the different categories of air cargo systems. Include information on the following:
Description of each air cargo system
Advantages of each system
Disadvantage of each system

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Categories of air cargo systems
Course title:
Many people usually take air cargo in a general regard without narrowing down into the different systems. It is crucial to have an understanding of the different air cargo systems so as to be able to handle different issues regarding them in an efficient and effective manner. Airport terminals are a crucial element of air cargo system. These are usually constructed and maintained by efforts of the state, federal and local governments. The users of such terminals usually pay and therefore the government gets benefits. They are useful in facilitating landing and takeoff of air cargoes. Terminals as elements of air cargo system are associated with the demerit of being expensive to develop and maintain.
Another crucial element is that of labor force and personnel. It is crucial to always consider trained personnel at least at the crucial destinations. If the management is to have trainees, they should be minimized at each given time. It is not logical to always have many trainees. Personnel help in making the flow of activities in the air cargo smooth. It is crucial to note that; it is expensive to maintain the required personnel especially the highly qualified.
Technical data or documentation is crucial especially in fast tracking undertakings of cargo aircraft. Documents such as those concerning engineering drawings should be well kept to ensure easy reference. Such documentation helps in securing finances as well as tru...
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