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Business & Marketing
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Online Corporate Training Programs. Business & Marketing Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

1. What are some reasons on the job training can be ineffective? What can be done to ensure its effectiveness?
2. Why would a company use a combination of face-to-face instruction and web-based training?
Total of 2 paragraphs

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Online Corporate Training Programs
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Course Title
Online Corporate Training Programs
Reasons Why Online Training May Be Ineffective and How to Make It Effective
Online training may be ineffective due to inadequate assessment of the requirements of the course. Online courses need to be comprehensive covering all the needs of the trainees, therefore assessing the needs of trainees is important for the effectiveness of an online training program. Second, if it is perceived not applicable in the real world, an online training program that trainees perceive as not applicable in the real world can never be effective. Third, if the training is not organized in enough modules. An online training program that squeezes too much content into single modules is likely to be ineffective. Breaking down the program into smaller chunks considering short attention spans increases effectiveness. Fourth, substandard basic design methods. Trainees expect a high level of readability, interface and visual engagement from training programs, similar to those on other websites; therefore, if a training program is lacking on any of these, it may not be effective. Lastly, a training program that does not provide trainees with the opportunity to assess their progress and achievement through tests, quizzes, etc., is likely to be ineffective.
To create an effective online training strategy, it is important to first outline the objectives of the program considering the goals of the organization and the priorities. Second, it is necessary to understand the needs of the target audience to develop an engaging training program. Points of interest include the specific audience, their job profile, how they spend their time, their way of communication, the educational level, etc. Third, maintaining simplicity throughout is recommended. The simplicity of the conte...
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