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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
2 Sources
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 5.18

Issues affecting the internet

Coursework Instructions:
What are the five major regulatory issues affecting the Internet? Briefly describe each issue. How does each of these issues impact the future of e-business? The five issues affect the internet are access, taxation, privacy/security, copyright, and free speech.
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Over the last two decades, internet usage has grown and penetrated all aspects of our lives. Because of its power as a universal communication platform, there are several issues that need regulation for this tool to serve us appropriately.
Privacy of individuals as well as organizations needs to be protected because the threat of identity theft and similar crimes is very real. Because of the sensitivity of the information and the vastness of locations for storing such info, many web-based firms as well as governments oblige the owners of the information to take proactive measures to protect their information.
Taxation has also made its way to the internet as a result of the millions of business transactions that take place online. Governments have seen this as an avenue for revenue generation. This however threatens to stunt the growth of web-based businesses (Novak, 2008).
Web based companies that provide content that guzzled bandwidth are pushing for the ISPs to stop slowing or restricting access to their sites. Other t...
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