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1 page/≈275 words
1 Source
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.18

Case Analysis: The Main Goals Of Every Business

Coursework Instructions:

From the case, “Bill Jr. thought about the different approaches to marketing Maker's Mark as well another options for company growth. He knew that if the company were to continue to grow he had to evaluate each strategy, as well as analyze any additional ones that he had not previously considered.” How would you approach the problem; what would you do?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Maker’s Case
Student’s Name
Maker’s Case
Growing is one of the main goals of every business. Businesses, therefore, have to evaluate a variety of strategies that can facilitate growth and implement the most feasible ones. In the case of Maker’s Mark, growth is limited by three main significant factors; spring water supply, the source of wheat grain, and batch process (Alyse, 1999). The company has to find a way to limit these challenges in order to grow.
Given that Maker’s Mark sells all the products it produces, there is exist a growth opportunity. The spring is the only source of water, and it can only support a maximum 900,000 cases annually. Given that Maker’s Mark only makes and sells 300,000 cases annually, there is still room for more cases. Since its capacity is not close to 900,000 cases that can be supported by th...
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