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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Discussion Organizational Practices

Coursework Instructions:
1.) List three processes in your organization that are considered “best practices” and describe how they meet the critical questions from Chapter 15 in the text. If your organization does not have a best practice, use the knowledge gained from the case studies and article reviews in class to describe your idea of a best practice. 2.) Compare how knowledge transfer for project management happens in your organization with the model shown in figure 15-4 of the text. Where can your organization make improvements to ensure knowledge transfer is a critical success area in the future? Where is your organization excelling? References Kerzner, H. (2005). Using the Project Management Maturity Model: Strategic planning for project management (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
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Organizational Practices Name: Institution: The organizational practices are efficient ways in which an organization may use to improve its various organizational departments. Rising competition internationally and business globalization and organization have changed working life. Moreover, faster changes in technology and customer’s higher demands for services and goods have altered working life. In order for companies to endure, it is their requirement to develop their management and organization, with their goods and technologies (Kerzner, 2005). There are various organizational practices, which companies efficiently apply for the betterment of the company’s growth. Below is a description of how some of the three practices meet the critical question in chapter 15 of Kerzner’s book,’ strategic planning for project management’. There is an indication of areas likely to attract improvements and excelling areas in an organization. As stated by Kernzer, H. in his book, ‘Using Maturity Model, the organizational practices used by some companies have proved to be very effective. One of the practices that organizations use is; to develop the demand of business technology in the management function. The initiatives of Business process management appear in an occasion where the business stakeholders require them. The invasion of technology services enables the agents of change to remove the improvement process either with assistance from the department of information technology or without support. In this case, the company requires an environment where all things are gatherable in order to synchronize the investments and to be sure that they are profitable at enterprise level. The demand of this business must put the guidelines of the enterprises (Kerzner, 2005). These organizations should use these guidelines to monitor and to control framework. Another organizational practice is handling the governance of...
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