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ARTS2093. Analysis of Social Media Practice

Coursework Instructions:

Useful Article: https://reallifemag(dot)com/layers-of-identity/Focus on the concept of porous authenticity in this article.
Identify a particular social media practice that you will use as a case study and the key types of communication involved in this practice.
Sample at least 5 examples of the above communication. Include these as either figures or extracts in your essay, for example: 
Figure 1: An example of a Trump Image Macro (source: https://twitter(dot)com/fccmal/status/923325787729727488)
I have words...I have the best words.....
Extract 1 : An example of a tweet containing a meme (source: https://twitter(dot)com/zick61/status/965727490747412480) 
Explain the key dimensions of ‘porous authenticity’
Use these dimensions in your case study to interpret the social media practice.
Analyse rather than simply describe your examples in your case study.

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Analysis of Social Media Practice

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Analysis of Social Media Practice


Over recent times, a burgeoning focus on self-representation remains a phenomenon that has emerged with the intent of responding to the hypervisibility of people online. Among the emerging concepts in social media is that of porous authenticity or rather authentic self-branding, an ideal that revolves around the notion that disclosure of an individual's real inner self remains a vital prerequisite in a successful bid of self-branding. This audit, therefore, seeks to draw from the concept of porous authenticity in an effort directed towards exploring its applicability to an individual's self-representation of social media, arguing out that this remains one of the fundamental tools used in revealing how popularity may be acquired through several platforms. The audit equally contends that this concept may not be used to account for the manner in which people use the element of authenticity behind the scene with the intent of manipulating their followers into the through that their self-representation remains authentic. To conduct this evaluation, the study will draw from the five examples of porous authentic communications on social media in an effort established towards unraveling how this concept may be harnessed to promote self-representation on social media.

Social Media Practice

As digital technologies, as well as social media, revolves into influential and pervasive instruments in the daily lives of individuals, communication between an individual in this age increases, given the fact that it is not confined to any geographical barrier. Currently, it is easier to share much about an individual's life as well as record moments on different social media platforms that include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, an aspect that is regarded as beneficial in the promotion of an individual’s self-representation on media (Toffoletti & Thorpe, 2018). Given this, it is essential to establish that the concept of self-representation resulted from the mediation of social media and technology, revealing the essence of a digitalized and global society that enhances how individuals express and understand their roles within an online and offline community.

Porous Authentic Communications on Social Media

The element of pourous authenticity remains in play in one of the scandals that surrounded the person of Essena O’Neill, an Australian influencer aged 18-years-old. According to Aladin (2018), Essena O’Neill is alleged to have made a video that went viral announcing that she was soon quitting the industry while crying, reason-due to the dark side of social media as well as the pressures that came in life and required her to keep up with a façade in her brands. Essena O&rsqu...
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