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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 8.64

Evidence Informed Methodology: Strengthening Families Program

Coursework Instructions:

Review an “ evidence-based” program. Discuss “evidence-informed “ approach of strengthening families you found on web. 2. The strengthening families approach is intentionally different than the traditional “evidence-based “ approach to programming. Discuss these differences and make references to research to support your answer.• Discussion: Discuss why An Evidence-Informed Approach stood out for you or interested you most complete additional research on topic and summarize what you learned. ( please make one page for Discussion and indicate it thank you).

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Strengthening Families
Institution Affiliation
Evidence Informed Program
 Strengthening families is a research-informed methodology to improve child development, minimize the risk of child abuse and neglect, and support families by adding to the existing research. Traditional evidence programs involve understanding that children need to be fulfilled, be healthy, and support development. In contrast, evidence-informed programs involve understanding parental resilience, social connection, adequate support in times of need, parental knowledge, and child development regarding social and emotional through continuous research. In addition, strengthening families involves constant research and increased knowledge and understanding of families compared to traditional approaches. The strengthening Families program stood out because its research allowed room for more studies and investment in the future. Also, ample research was conducted to identify factors to reduce child maltreatment, protective factors, and best policies and practice model to support the informed approach program.
Strengthening Families Program
Thus, strengthening families is built on what the already existing research informs. Higher learning institutions and researchers conduct experiments and studies on human behaviors, family interactions, and child development daily, seeking to synthesize and make the already existing knowledge actionable. Therefore, by seeking to develop the existing knowledge, the approach is informed and on time, as humans are evolving creatures, and behaviors change regularly depending on the circumstances and the environment.
Further, the framework is used extensively by various systems and pr...
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