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Early Childhood Education. Education Coursework Assignment

Coursework Instructions:

Early Childhood Education Article Response Paper Prompt:
Follow the steps below for the formatting of the Article Response Paper:
Step #1: Read the article, “If the Environment is the Third Teacher, What Language does she speak?” by Ann Pairman and Lisa Terreni
The link to the article is below:
Note: Make sure to close the advertisements that may pop and as you read the article make sure to click on the right arrow on the screen to read each of the pages.
Step #2: Write an article response paper of at least 500 words based on three characteristics that you will read in the article. When you refer to the characteristics you can summarize the article or give your opinion but you must discuss the characteristics of the environment.
For example, the article talks about the characteristics of the classroom space, the classroom materials, the design of the classroom and many more characteristics.
You don’t have to write about all the characteristics in the article as you can pick three characteristics and discuss them in your article response paper.
For instance, is the classroom space environment important for you to teach children?
Are the classroom materials in the classroom environment important for you?
Is the design of the classroom important to you?
Therefore for your assignment, pick three characteristics from the article and summarize what the article says about them by examining the characteristics, and the impact it has on the classroom environment.
If you want you can also refer to your class notes that we talked over our virtual online discussion then you can do so talk about it in your article response paper.
Lastly, if you want to know more about how to make your classroom environment the third teacher then read this other article “Making Yout Environment the Third Teacher” by Margie Carter

Article Response Paper Assignment Guidelines:
*Article Response Paper must be at least 500 words
*Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12
* Must be in APA format
* Must have at least two APA citations. (In this case the article “If the Environment is the Third Teacher, What Language does she speak?” by Ann Pairman and Lisa Terreni is your source but make sure to cited properly in your article response paper. For your other APA source you can also talk about Margie Carter’s article as well but make sure to cite them properly in your paper.
*Must have a reference page
Notes to the Essay Zoo Writer:
Note #1: I posted the link to the article “If the Environment is the Third Teacher, What Language does she speak?” by Ann Pairman and Lisa Terreni in Step #1
Note #2: If you have trouble reading the article “If the Environment is the Third Teacher, What Language does she speak?” by Ann Pairman and Lisa Terreni on the website then I also added a Microsoft Word document as I cut and pasted the words of the article into the word document so it could be easier to read.
Note #3: Below are the class notes about what was mentioned in our virtual class discussion in regards to the article.
Class Notes about “If the Environment is the Third Teacher, What Language does she speak?” by Ann Pairman and Lisa Terreni
Class Notes #1: Question: If the environment is the third teacher what language does the environment speak?
Answer: The language that the environment should speak is the language of the children. In fact, the language of the children and the language of the children should be the children’s interests, the children’s needs, the children’s developmental stages because you want the children’s materials to be developmentally appropriate for the children.
Class Notes #2: Think about what does the environment as the third teacher mean?
Answer: For example, the environment supports the ideas of the goals of the teacher and the teacher’s goals is based on the children’s interests and their needs.
The environment provides experiences for children to explore their ideas and the environment has things where the children can investigate, interact with other children and, play with each other. Therefore, the environment in emergent curriculum has to be set intentionally based on the children’s interest.
The third teacher for the children is the environment and it may never be the same for the children and it should always be changing based on the child’s experiences because every time the children have a different experience their interests becomes different for example it may be the same topic but the children may want more of it so you have to articulate it into your classroom environment.
Class Notes #3: Why is the environment the third teacher? and Provide examples, of how the classroom environment is the child’s third teacher.
Answer: The layout of the classroom environment promotes relationships, communication, collaboration, and exploration through play. For example, that means within your classroom environment children should be able to have support in building relationships, communicating, collaborating, and exploring through play. Therefore the classroom environment is very important for the children’s success in the emergent curriculum because classroom materials are thoughtfully added to the classroom environment to promote creativity.
When you want into a classroom in early childhood education each year the classroom shouldn’t be the same exact set up each year. In fact, the classroom environment should be different every year because you have a different group of children who will most likely have different interests and different needs. Therefore, your environment should promote creativity in them, it should support them thinking, problem solve, asking you questions, and open ended play.
Thank you for your time.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Early Childhood Education
Institutional Affiliation
Early Childhood Education
The environment plays an integral role in the growth and development of young children. Parents and teachers need to invest their time, energy, and resources to create a quality early childhood environment. This paper discusses three characteristics of a quality early childhood environment and presents some strategies educators can follow.
A quality early childhood environment should be carefully organized. The physical environment’s organization allows free movement of children between different points. Teachers need to arrange the setting to meet the specific needs of the children under their care. Pairman and Terreni advise teachers to avoid crowding children in one location instead of ensuring children work together in small groups. Children also need to know where they can find materials or objects they would want to use. This promotes the flow of activities for young children.
A good organization includes providing clear visual boundaries. This clarity creates order within the setting and motivates a child to work in the space for more extended periods. Many early childhood settings tend to neglect the significance of color. So, teachers should carefully select colors that will not be a visual distraction for children. Color is described as a "powerful visual organizer," which means that space should not be scattered by a set of bright colors (Pairman & Terreni, 2020). In this way, the colors send a proper visual message and improve a child’s focus.
A second characteristic is proper storage and display. It is essential to display fewer items to prevent space from becoming visually cluttered. Such an area will be less appealing and attractive to children. So, teachers must ensure that the setting features a careful arrangement of equipment and resources. For e...
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