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Instructional Alignment Impact on Student Learning and Future Instructional Planning

Coursework Instructions:

1. Based on your readings, what is instructional alignment? Explain how instructional alignment affects student learning and your future instructional planning.
2. What should a teacher align to?
3. Identify what the academic K-12 standards are named/called in your state. Share the link to your state’s standards, grade level, subject area, and academic standard you are considering for the Topic 2 assignment and why you chose it.
reading material:
Read Chapter 2.

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Instructional Alignment
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Instructional Alignment
Based on your readings, what is instructional alignment? Explain how instructional alignment affects student learning and your future instructional planning.
Instructional alignment refers to the crux of an effective instructional approach to learning and involves consistency in objectives, strategies, and evaluation methods. In the classroom, instructional alignment ensures that students have an opportunity to learn on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, when decisions are made at the classroom level, they should focus on translating state standards into instructional objectives (Estes & Mintz, 2016).
When aligned with strategies and evaluation models, these objectives provide students with what they need to know, understand, and utilize. Thus, instructional alignment has a significant positive impact on the student in several ways. For instance, it ensures that the right instructions are delivered in a more effective manner that relates to the learner's current needs to make it easy to understand, develop upon, and utilize in practical scenarios (Estes & Mintz, 2016).

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