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The Process of Incarceration

Coursework Instructions:

Early Childhood Education Class
Topic: The Process of Incarceration
Step #1: First, read Chapter 2 of the book called “Parental Incarceration and the Family” by Joyce A Arditti.
Step #2: Next, watch the YouTube video titled “Prevalence of Parental Incarceration” by
The link to watch the YouTube video is located here at https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=zCfutBiQnT4
Step #3: Now after reading Chapter 2 and after you watched the YouTube video I now want to answer the following questions in at least two pages.
Question #1: Discuss your understanding of the process of incarceration from arrest to imprisonment.
Question #2: What are some of the stories you have been told about the process of incarceration? For example, what did you think the process of incarceration was compared to what you have read and watched? For instance, since this is an early childhood education class talk about how children are affected especially when one or both parents are incarcerated.
Question #3: Describe how life changes for the family when a parent is arrested and discuss how you believe families can be supportive of the incarcerated parent.
Step #4: Find an article about Parental incarceration. For example, the article titled “Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children and Families” by Lois E. Wright, Ph.D. and Cynthia B. Seymour, JD is a great article. That article is located here https://www(dot)purdue(dot)edu/hhs/hdfs/fii/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/s_mifis05c03.pdf
However, I want you to do your own research and locate a different article, and once you find it explain what you learned from the article and discuss important points from the article.
*NOTE TO WRITER: I FOUND THIS PDF ARTICLE TITLED "How Parental Incarceration Harms Children and What do About It" by Sara Wakefield and Christopher Wiler. It's located here
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Coursework assignments
* Must be at 550 words so about 2 pages.
* Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1-inch margins all around.
• Make sure your paragraphs have a minimum of 5 sentences.
• Must be in APA 7 format
• Must have at a minimum of 2 different APA citations from two different educational sources. For example, one of your citations must be the book of Parental Incarceration and the Family” by Joyce A Arditti. Secondly, use the article of your choice as the second citation. Feel free to add more citations make sure that you cite the articles and videos that you used to answer any of the questions and add them to your references.
• Must have a reference page. In this case, you must have at least two different references. One of your references must be the book "Parental Incarceration and the Family” by Joyce A Arditti. Then you have articles and a YouTube video that you can choose to cite but make sure that you cite the articles and video that you used to answer any of the questions and add them to your references in APA 7 format.
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Notes to the Writer:
* I uploaded screenshot images of Chapter 2 on "Parental Incarceration and the Family” by Joyce A Arditti. However, since I could only upload a certain number of screenshots I decided to upload the remaining pages in the DROP ME File link below:
* This is how you can cite the book mentioned above:
Arditti, J. A. (2014). Parental incarceration and the family: Psychological and social effects of imprisonment on children, parents, and caregivers. NYU Press.
* I uploaded the PDF article titled "How Parental Incarceration Harms Children and What do About It" by Sara Wakefield and Christopher Wiler
* Here is another article titled "From Prison to home: the effect of incarceration: Incarceration and reentry on children and reentry on children, families, and communities. Just in case you want to use it to answer any of the questions.
*Here is another book in the form of a PDF titled "What about Me: When a Parent Goes to Prison a guide to discussing your incarceration with your children" by New Jersey Department of Corrections
Divisions of Programs and Community Services just in case you want to use to answer any of the questions. I uploaded it through a PDF in the order form.
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Thank you for your time.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

The Process of Incarceration
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name 
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
The Process of Incarceration
Incarceration refers to the state of being detained or confined in prison in the criminal justice system. The process of incarceration involves five core stages. The first stage is the investigation, where investigative agencies gather enough evidence to support an arrest. This is followed by the arrest stage, where the suspect is taken into custody, where they will stay until they appear in court. The third step involves prosecution by a district attorney based on the seriousness of the offense and the strength of evidence gathered by investigative agencies. If a capital offense is involved, the suspect will undergo indictment by an impartial jury. The other stages include arraignment, pretrial detention, plea bargaining, adjudication of guilt, sentencing, and potentially an appeal. Throughout these stages, there are checks and balances to ensure the process is fair and just for the parties involved. On the suspects' side, they risk staying away from family members and especially children where parents are involved. According to Shlafer (2014), 52% of state inmates and 63% of federal inmates are parents of minor children. 
Perceptions on Incarceration
Initially, whenever I thought of incarceration, I only imagined the crime involved and the process through which a person goes through before ending up in prison. Some of the sad stories I have heard, like wrongful imprisonment, made me question the justice system, but not extensive enough to understand the context within where the arrests happen, and the potential suffering of the children left behind when parents are involved. The current reading materials have expanded my scope on the issues of parental incarceration. Firstly, it is vital to understand the socio-economic environment in which incarceration is more likely to happen. According to Shlafer (2014), poverty, residential mobility...
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