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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network

Coursework Instructions:

When was the last time you read Meditation XVII of John Donne's Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions?
Unless you are a student of seventeeth-century poetry, you may not be all that familiar with this piece. However, you may be much more familiar with one of its well-known phrases: “No man is an island...”.
As you begin your journey toward achieving your academic and professional goals, you have a great opportunity to network with academics and professionals who can help ensure you do not travel alone. This network can help to clarify your own vision for success and can help guide you now and in the future. To paraphrase Donne, no one is an island.
Begin creating an academic and professional network by identifying which academic and professional connections and resources with which you need to collaborate to succeed in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
To Prepare:
• Consider individuals, departments, teams, and/or resources within Walden University and within your profession that you believe can support your academic and professional success.
• Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals, colleagues, or teams that might help you succeed in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
• Download the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.
The Assignment:
Academic and Professional Network
Complete Part 1 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template. Be sure to address the following:
• Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
• Explain why you selected these individuals and/or teams and how they will support your success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part One: Developing Academic and Professional Network
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part One: Developing Academic and Professional Network
In life, it might not be easy to survive without connecting with others. In the absence of collaboration, partnership, networking, and mentoring, individuals may not achieve the core objectives and goals, even in professional niches. It is well known that ‘no man is an island.’ The achievement of academic and professional needs academic and professional networking that will provide guidance and mentoring at each phase of learning, as driven by vision and goals. Thus, we are required to develop interpersonal relationships with others.
Academic Success and Professional Development Plan
1). Networking Member one: Dr.Fooroogh Ostovari
Organization: Adventist Medical Group
Academic or Professional: Professional
Reason for Selection: I selected her because of her beliefs on a healthcare system that focuses on a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. I have a lot of interest in promoting healthy living, which I believe requires better investment than the way it is now where a lot of money has been used for curative interventions.
I believe that Dr.Fooroogh Ostovari, who has extensive experience in disease prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, is well-positioned to provide desirable mentorship to me. She is a primary care physician who is specializing in family medicine, especially in the context of healthy living. Thus, I feel that she is of great help in my professional networking circle. Her clinic provides a good platform through which I can learn crucial information on the delivery of care that is collaborative and holistic.
2). Networking Member Two: Dr.Nicholas Abella
Organization: Walden University
Academic or Professional: Both
Reason for Selection: Dr. Nicolas Abella is one of our leadership and management mentor in the Master of Science in Nursing. She constitute...
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