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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Theory analysis of lydia hall care, cure core nursing theory.

Coursework Instructions:

Part II: Theory Analysis
● Are concepts theoretically and operationally defined? Describe.
● Are statements theoretically and operationally defined? Describe.
● Is there a model/diagram? Does the model contribute to clarifying the theory? Explain.
● Are outcomes or consequences stated or predicted?
I am using Lydia Hall-Care, Cure, Core Nursing Theory

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Theory Analysis of Lydia Hall Care, Cure, Core Nursing Theory
Theory Analysis of Lydia Hall Care, Cure, Core Nursing Theory
The concepts in Lydia Hall’s theory have been theoretically and operationally defined. Theoretically, the three concepts namely care, cure, and core have been defined as the body, the disease, and the person respectively (Zaccagnini & White, 2017). That is how Hall conceptualized the three concepts, which are usually presented in circles that interlock and change as the health state of the patient changes. Operationally, the care concept was defined as the hands-on intimate care provided to patients who are not able to take care of their bodily needs such as feeding and bathing (Smith & Parker, 2015). According to Hall, such responsibilities belong solely to the nurse, and they ensure that trust is built between the patient and the nurse, thus creating a path for open communication. The cure concept was defined as the medical interventions that are undertaken by the nurse to treat or manage the patient's condition. This, the nurse uses their medical knowledge to assess the condition of the patient, and ensure that the patient understands the requirement. Finally, the core concept was operationally defined as taking care of the patient's social needs (Smith & Parker, 2015). This involves addressing the patient’s needs in relation to the world. This concept is measured by how well the patient receives the assistance given to him/ her towards achieving their own personal goals. If the core concept is well addressed, the patient is able to recover quickly, and their chances of re-admission can also reduce.
The main statement in the theory developed by Hall is that intimate care is an exclusive responsibility that belongs to nursing (Zaccagnini & White, 2017). Theoretically, this statement refers to the care aspect of nursing. It is abstract and does not explain how this relates to the real nursing practice world. However, the statement has been defined operationally as the care activities that a nurse undertakes in ensuring that a patient is comfortable. According to Zaccagnini and White (2017), this role was defined by Hall as nurturing, to ensure that patients are able to live beyond comfort but also embrace their path to healing through learning. In operational definition, Hall was trying to change the course that nursing was taking since nurses were focusing more on the medical aspect rather than the care aspect of the discipline. She believed that care, being the primary responsibility of nurses, would be more beneficial to pati...
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