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CRJ 8/26 Law Coursework Research Paper Essay Term Paper

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Part 1
As far as I know, Chicago is the city where gangs remain active throughout the year. In 2006, I had to travel back and forth between Wisconsin and Michigan for business purposes, and I drove through Chicago. While listening to the radio, I got to know that more than 67 gangs are active in Chicago. The criterion that is widely used to identify a gang in the United States is graffiti. In Chicago, it is possible for anyone to find graffiti in his neighborhood (Reed, 2018).
Part 2
The 9/11 Commission Report was an official report of events that took place in the United States. It was made available on the internet by the "Kean/Hamilton Commission and had an ever-lasting impact on both FBI and CIA. The two agencies, right after the release of this report, undertook different problems and worked really hard to create a joint threat assessment unit. They also started exchanging information on a regular basis with an aim to arrest the terrorists as soon as possible (Lee, 2015).
Part 3
The two main methods used to investigate cyber crimes are identifying the IP address through the digital evidence system and working directly with the social media and search engine companies to target the...
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