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The Legal Environment of Business Text Cases,10th edition. IP search.

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IP Search

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IP Search
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IP Search
The authors of the 10th edition of the book titled The Legal Environment of Business Text Cases have registered the book for copyright protection as indicated in the screenshot in figure 1. The copyright information displayed in the screenshot has been retrieved online from the U.S Copyright office. The initial step of confirming the registration was to check the copyright page of the book. Included in the page are; the copyright notice, the year in which the book was published, reservation rights, and the book edition. As indicated in the book, the year of publication is 2017 (Cross & Miller, 2017). The book was published by Cengage Learning in Boston. Having identified the information on the copyright page, the next step would be to use the information to search online at the Copyright office. Since the book was published in the U.S in 2015, it was appropriate to search the U.S Copyright office public catalog from the year 1978 to present. On the website, under the ‘Title’ option, type in the name of the book omitting ‘The’ as stated in the instructions (United States Copyright Office, 2018). This meant keying in the words ‘Legal Environment of Business Text and Cases.’ After clicking on ‘Begin Search,’ the website displays a list of results. The book’s copyright number begun with the initials ‘TX’ meaning that the book has initial text copyright. The year for copyright registration is also indicated as 2017. Alternatively, a person can search the copyright information using either the author’s name, command keyword, registration number or document keyword (United States Copyright Office, 2018).
An example of a dead trademark used by the McDonalds restaurant is ‘Fry Guys.’ Dead trademarks are trademark applications that are no longer prosecuted within the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Registrants who fail to file all the required documents after the lapse of the trademark registration are not allowed to ...
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