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Emotions and Feelings

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Part 1
Emotions are the feelings, good ones or bad ones, that originate in our mind or heart and are meant to be expressed as soon as possible. No doubt, the language helps us express ourselves to the fullest. However, some emotions do not need any medium to be expressed. I feel that we can speak of our mind by bringing a smile on our face, being silent for hours, and crying before someone, and all this does not require the use of words or phrases. Common sense suggests that every emotion is physical, meaning it has a little to do with the language or words we often use to label it.
Part 2
I favor the idea that thinking is possible without the use of words. Sometimes it is easy for a person with Williams Syndrome to conjure up his mental images, sensations, and feelings that are difficult to describe in words. The same is the situation of a deaf adult who is likely to live happily in a wordless world. Both of them are unable to communicate well even though the person with Williams Syndrome has a better grasp of the language. The two common prob...
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