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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Reflection: English with an Accent Language Language Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Read Lippi-Green, chapter 10, and write a 250-word (about 1 page, double spaced) reflection for each chapter covering the following topics.
1. What were the 2-3 main points of the chapter that were most memorable (or important) to you, and why?
2. In this chapter, Lippi-Green states her thesis (her point of view) on the topic of race and language in the very last section. In Ch 10, the section is entitled “Where we at,” Do you agree with her thesis, and why?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Reflection: English with an Accent Language 
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Reflection: English with an Accent Language 
Most Memorable Points
Lippi-Green (2012) posits that AAVE “is the product of segregation” (p. 196). AAVE has developed as a distinctive culture defying various official policies thus representing a part of the African-American history that was shadowed in racial segregation. Through the use of AAVE, African-Americans have created a culture through which to identify with, deliberately differentiating themselves from the general population with a sense of pride. The broader American population has no other option but recognize AAVE as a language that identifies with the African-American community and requires acceptance and not “policies of patronage and tolerance.”
Information and entertainment industry has created stereotypes about AAVE speakers portraying them as “criminals, dope pushers, teenage hoodlums, and ...
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