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Communications Technology: Analyze And Plan, Research And Organize

Coursework Instructions:

same as assigment 3x3 writting

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Assignment 4
Task 1: analyze and plan
1 This report emphasizes the need to expand our resources and invest in top of the line communications technology. The advantages in investing in new communications technology would cater to the growing demands of meeting the needs of our clients as well as providing our board members access to tools that would significantly ease their work load and at the same time reduce their travel costs.
2 The target audience are the members of the board who are lawyers, bankers, fund managers and who are already in their fifties and sixties that are not particularly adaptive to new communications technology.
3 The readers are aware of the company’s rapid expansion into every major Canadian city. The readers are also aware that they know very little about the cost and benefit of investing in new communications technology.
4 Video conferencing is an advanced communications technology that uses specialized computer technology where participants can communicate through a monitor at great distances. Men and women in their advanced ages seem to be hesitant in adapting to the new communication technology. The members of the board of director are accustomed to traveling long distances to attend meetings. The company is rapidly expanding its operations into every major Canadian city. There is an increasing need to keep in touch regularly with company representatives in every province.
5 I plan to write an analytical report that would persuade the management group to invest in new communications technology. I chose to so since an analytical report presents facts and evidence as a basis for arguing the pros and cons of the technology as opposed to that of an informal report which is not a proper way to address the board.
6 The direct pattern of approach is a suitable way of presenting the proposition where it directly benefits the target audience as opposed to that of the indirect where advantages are diluted.
7 A formal memo to address the board would be the most advantageous way of persuading the readers. A direct yet concise report on the topic would be much appreciated for the busy reader.
8 A formal writing style for this report is the most apt communication technique in addressing the board of directors. Formal reports are best...
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