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Book Question A Wilderness Station

Coursework Instructions:

Combine this article with wildearness station to see the wildearness station answer 8 questions, each question about 300 words

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A Wilderness Station
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Write an analysis of the life and character of Annie Herron explaining why you do or do not admire her?
After reading A Wilderness Station, I got to know that Annie Herron leaves all the comforts of life and travels to Walley to confess to the murder of her husband. She had never lived in the bushes previously, so it was quite difficult for her to stay there for some time. Her husband clearly writes the orphanage in Toronto that he is looking for an industrious woman, and she aids the brothers in clearing the land near Clinton, till the death of her husband. She does not feel pity for him; instead, she keeps going with her mission. By nature, Annie Herron looks arrogant to me as she is a woman who has no respect for her life partner. Finally, her husband falls from a branch, and this makes Annie feel satisfied and happy. In her own version, her husband is angry, and she throws a rock at him to kill him.
Ladies like Annie Herron cannot be admired because they do not respect humans. It looks like she is one of those females who run after the materialistic things throughout their lives or have some bad intentions. In order to get personal satisfaction, Annie commits a crime, and she can never be the woman I will admire or appreciate. Later on, she walks all the way to Walley to declare her guilt, but this is not going to work. The doctor who examines Annie reveals that what she was reading might hav...
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