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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
4 Sources
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks. Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Reflection Writing must be typed and printed out to turn in.
Writing task #1:
Write a minimum 200 word /maximum 250 word Reflection on ONE of the suggested topic options listed in the Reflection (Informal) Writing Guidelines, posted directly below this assignment.
I've copied the writing options for your convenience:
1. Select one or two quotations from the reading that struck you as significant. Writing in paragraph format, start with the quotation in the first line of your paragraph, and then explain why the quotation interests you.
2. Write about something that you found contradictory or confusing in the reading.
3. Write about something you agree or disagree with in the reading.
4. Relate your own experiences or ideas to the reading.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Pseudonym (Class Name):
1st Draft
Class & Section Number:
Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks
"If we would communicate across culture barriers, we must learn what to say and how to say it in terms of the expectations and predispositions of those we want to listen"
This quote highlights the major hindrance to intercultural communication. Judging other cultures from the perception of our own limits our understanding of the foreign culture and therefore hinders our ability to communicate effectively. The major barriers discussed by Barna in the reading directly or directly stem from our personal biases and cultural background influence.
I found the difference noted by the author in the sub-titles on preconceptions & stereotypes and the tendency to e...
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