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Organizational Culture and Quality Human Resource Management

Coursework Instructions:

After taking one assessment from Chapter 7, one assessment from Chapter 8 and one assessment from Chapter 9 please respond to the designated questions below:
Chp. 7--Intuition Based on the results of your self-assessment on intuition, brainstorm the pros and cons to using your intuition in decision making. Reflect on a time when you used your intuition to make a decision. What happened and what were the consequences? Decision Making Style Based on the results of your self-assessment what is your decision making style? Which decision making style is “best” and why? How could you use these results in your own organization?
Ch.8--Organizational Culture--What is your organization's organizational culture? Which organizational culture based on the Competing Values Framework do you prefer?
Ch. 9 HRM--Discuss what practices your organization does in order to support high quality HR. Brainstorm ideas for increasing the quality of your HR practices. Discuss ways your organization can successfully recruit. Should an emphasis be put on internal or external recruiting? The advantages and disadvantages of both internal and external recruiting should be discussed. Discuss ways your organization can improve their recruiting. Is HR the right career for you? After taking the assessment would you be a good HR manager? What could you do to improve your managerial skills to become a Human Resources Specialist?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

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Organizational Culture and Quality Human Resource Management
Intuition and Decision Making
Intuition is defined as the ability to comprehend things without consciously thinking about them (Sylvia, 2014). It is a common phenomenon that people colloquially refer to as ‘trusting your gut’. Intuition is like a sixth sense, and like all senses, it is not infallible. Therefore, when faced with incomplete information or time when making decisions, people employing their sixth sense might make horrendous decisions or if they are lucky good decisions with great outcomes. An instance where I used my intuition was when I encountered a dangerous man on my way to college, who at the time I was unaware was a locally wanted man. When he approached me pretending to ask me for directions I could feel that something was off about his demeanor. When he insisted he did not understand my instructions and needed to be accompanied, I pretended to have forgotten something at the restaurant I had just left and did not come out. Later, I realized when watching the news that evening, that he was a conman, feigning helplessness so he could drug and rob unsuspecting victims. He was guilty of over 100 counts of robbery.
Decision-making is supposed to be a strategic choice and not a feature of people’s personalities. Leaders cognizant of the different approaches to decision-making can adapt to different situations easily. There are four styles of decision-making and they include directive, conceptual, analytical and behavioral decision-making (Limbare, 2012). Directive decision-makers are rational, depending on experience; this allows them to make quick decisions. Conceptual methods rely on a more social approach that involves other creative people, numerous ideas and perspectives for long-term decisions. Behavioral style employs group-think, proactive communication with others to get feedback, and the use of past decisions. Analytical methods depend on a host of information and second opinions to support decisions (Limbare, 2012). An analytical approach is more useful as it is fact based and incorporates multiple perspectives of different people which exposed more issues that one person cannot see.
Organizational Culture and the Competing Value Framework
Organizational culture refers to the collective be...
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