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Week 6 Questions: The Threat Of Transportation Disruptions

Coursework Instructions:

1. Describe the implications of the threat of transportation disruptions, hazards, and risks as they apply to transportation and explain why they are important from financial and service standpoints?
2. Identify and discuss the risk management steps that should be followed to reduce the consequences of disruptions and provide examples with references for each step.
3. Describe the types of transportation challenges that organizations must take into account when considering global sourcing and substantiate your answer with at least two referenced examples.
4. Discuss at least five risks and perils that are present in global transportation, and how exporters and importers can manage these risks. Substantiate your answer with referenced examples.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

1. Describe the implications of the threat of transportation disruptions, hazards, and risks as they apply to transportation and explain why they are important from financial and service standpoints?
Traffic disruptions, risks, and hazards are the factors that hinder goods from reaching their intended destinations (Khan et al., 2009). In such events, the products are likely to be stolen on the way or even to be damaged in ways which they cannot be bought by the customers. Those factors expose companies to financial losses and also operational difficulties. Some stakeholders may fail to trust their transport business partners in such occurrences because they may feel It is their fault the goods were not delivered in the right condition. They in return opt to seek services from other reliable sources and therefore making the initial companies lose many and business opportunities.
2. Identify and discuss the risk management steps that should be followed to reduce the consequences of disruptions and provide examples with references for each step
The steps of managing any risks are as follows:
The first step would be to identify the potential disruptions that are likely to occur during the whole transportation process. The disorders are likely to be external or internal depending on the type of transportation used.
Secondly, assess the impact the disruptions are likely to have on the processes. If the impact is very costly, then it would be wise to prioritize on it fast to avoid the high cost that would be in the company.
Thirdly it would be important to apply all the management and litigation processes that would be able to reduce or finish the disruption and risks. Some of the strategies would mean keeping data on the time the disruption and risks are likely to take place for instance theft during transportation is likely to take place at night. For that reason, it would be wise to improve on the security measures during the carriage of the goods.
Finally there, is the need to keep monitoring the plans that have been put in place to ensure that they were working towards the set goals of managing risks and disruption. Other than that it would also be important to identify new risks and work on them before it is too late.
3. Describe the types of transportation challenges that organizations must take into account when considering glob...
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