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Advertisement Oral Report: Positive Messages

Coursework Instructions:

You (and partner/s) will present a 2-minute oral Advertising Report to the class (time does not include playing the ad). For the oral report, you will present the advertisement and the specific portions of your report as listed below. You will sign up to do your oral report in class. Do not create a presentation or slides - you don’t have enough time to show them. Upload your ad and paper to the Ad Report Gallery on Canvas (week 14) so you can just click on it for your oral report. To submit your ad report, go to the gallery post and hit Reply, then type your name/s, add a link to your ad (or upload an image if it’s print ad), and attach your paper to the posting.


1. Introduce yourself and identify the ad or product you selected

2. Show the ad

3. Identify the “target audience” (#2 on assignment handout)

4. What is the “subtext” of the message? What messages are below the surface? Discuss any messages or appeals that are unstated. (#4 on assignment handout)

5. What “appeals” to the audience are used in this ad? Ethos, Logos, Pathos (refer to the “Advertising Appeals” handout). Discuss any influencing elements (color, repetition, music) or persuasive techniques that you notice. (#6 on assignment handout)

6. What positive messages are presented? What negative messages are presented? (#7 on assignment handout)

7. What part of the story is not being told? (#9 on assignment handout)

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Ad Review Name: Institution: Course: Date: Ad Review 1 Introduce yourself and identify the ad or product you selected As members of group X, we would like to introduce the ad ‘#LoveOverBias’, which presents a rather powerful message for the audience. This is an advert that redefines the way that women are displayed on most of the adverts. The advert that is a minute and a half long, shows images of mothers supporting their kids with their dreams and even through tough circumstances. What is interesting is the fact that there is also the element of a mixed approach to the view of women in the society. This is to mean that aspects such as color, disability, sexual orientation and even religion are emphasized in the advert. These are elements are shown to the world through the eyes of mothers in the society (P&G (Procter & Gamble), 2018). The kind of life that they lead relative to the various qualities, aspirations and believes that they hold for themselves and even their children. The advert, which was made by Wieden and Kennedy is tied to the 2018 Winter Olympics for P&G Company. 2. /watch?v=JSWyrR4gXkw 3. Identify the “target audience” (#2 on assignment handout) This is an advert that is targeted at the wider society. This can be derived from the tagline which directs the audience to see the world in the eyes of the mothers. From the advert, it is clear that the women from all walks of life are represented. The context being the fact that mothers are the foundation of the love for children (P&G (Procter & Gamble), 2018). They form the bulk of the experiences and the support system that children experience in their lives. In the advert, there are children of different races, gender and even capability. Their mothers are there for them supporting their goals and aspirations regardless of what the world around them looks like or suggests. The mothers show love for their children through supporting their decisions to follow their dreams, regardless of how hard it gets or the stereotypes that are present in the society (P&G (Procter & Gamble), 2018). 4. What is the “subtext” of the message? What messages are below the surface? Discuss anymessages or appeals that are unstated. (#4 on assignment handout) The subtext in the advert is closely associated to the view that of society of mothers. Largely, mothers tend to be underappreciated regardless of the efforts that they put in; they support their children's dreams even when it means putting theirs on hold. They are ready to go the extra mile to make sure that their children feel loved and they have the courage and the support to make it in life (P&G (Procter & Gamble), 2018). This is a powerful message, especially when one considers looking at the world from the mother’s eyes. It becomes apparent that, mothers are...
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