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Social Sciences
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Challenge in Adapting to Another Culture and the Influence of Place in Adaptation

Coursework Instructions:

Our readings this week highlight living in multicultural worlds and associated adjustments. Let's apply our learning to ourselves. Chapters 5-8
*Source: Heine, S. J. (2020). Cultural psychology. 4th Edition. New York: W.W. Norton. Please use the most current edition of the text.
1. As you consider this week's readings, what do you believe would be your greatest challenge in adapting to another culture?
2. What specific behaviors might you need to demonstrate to help overcome that challenge as you work to effectively adapt to another culture?
3. How much does the place you are moving to influence the need/success of adaptation. Consider moving to another Western culture versus a Non-Western culture.
* Discussions require a minimum of 3 posts for EACH question. The first post is your "initial response" or "Main Post" as this is your "opening or position statement". It should be about 150-250 words and should include citations/references regarding where you found your information.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Week 4 Discussion: Multicultural Worlds and Acculturation
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My greatest challenge in adapting to another culture is identifying with it because I am past the sensitive period for culture acquisition. According to Heine (2020), the presence of a sensitive timescale within which culture acquisition and adaptation happens (i.e., from birth to roughly 15 years) implies that I will be less likely to identify with the new culture despite interacting with it in the long-term. Individuals are inherently equipped to learn foreign cultures during the early years of life. I will have problems acquiring the new culture over time. I will become largely frustrated by repeated exposure to the culture mainly because I am past the sensitive period for adopting another culture.
In order to overcome the challenge of the sensitive period for culture adaptation and embrace another culture effectively, I will need to change my behaviors from bei...
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