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2 pages/≈550 words
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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Warhol and Basquiat: A Blend of Pop and Street Art

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Warhol and Basquiat: A Blend of Pop and Street Art

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Warhol and Basquiat: A Blend of Pop and Street Art
Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat were as different from each other as their lines of art. Warhol had gained popularity over the years as a pop artist. He, therefore, could be easily distinguished as an old hand. On the other side, Basquiat was a young artist destined to the top of street art. They still came together to produce some of the most successful pieces of art under the title Collaborations. Among the most intriguing is Paramount. It was an art piece that clearly showed the touch of both artists and succeeded in bringing pop and street art together.
The Making of Paramount Painting
Collaboration was a project aimed at bringing together talented painters from different generations and backgrounds and with different voices. It was intended at enabling the artist combine their strengths and qualities in production of a unique but united voice. In these respects, Paramount was a great success.
Done on canvas, the painting represents an active blend of Warhol’s commercial logo and Basquiat’s rebellious street style. While the logo may seem to take the central stage, a closer look reveals that there is a lot more to it. There are chaotic figures in the form of hieroglyphic numbers, a map, buildings, a masked man, spacecraft, words and rough brushworks. In all the artists’ combined intention seems to put the life of the average American on canvas, complete with the confusion resulting from the cares and events of the past, present and the future.
It should be noted that both artists were strong characters who had mo...
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