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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.62

ASSIGNMENT 1: Competency in Microsoft Excel: Accounting, Finance, SPSS Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Due Week 5 and worth 200 points
Your firm has just lost its accounting system. The only thing you have left is the financial reports from the December 31, 20XA and June 30, 20XB reporting period, but the data is garbled. You have been asked by your Controller to reconstruct the Balance Sheet & Income Statements in Excel for each of these reporting periods as well as performing the following ratio analyses: (a) current ratio ; (b) quick ratio; (c) debt ratio; (d) equity ratio; (f) debt-to-equity ratio ; and (g) profit margin for each reporting period.
To complete Assignment 1, please download ACC306 - Assignment 1 Excel File.
Part I:
Using the data provided by your professor, create an Excel worksheet that contains the firm’s balance sheet and income statement. You will be required to use formulas and/functions to recreate the firm’s financial statements, such as the items in YELLOW.
Using the data from your balance sheet and income statement, conduct the requested ratio analyses.
You will submit one Excel workbook for Part I
Part II
Write a two to three (1-2) page memo in which you summarize the firm’s financial position, based on the information provided in Part I.
The memo will be submitted electronically as a Microsoft Word document with SWS formatting.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Student’s name
Professor’s name
Course: ACC306 - Assignment 1
Assignment 1: Competency in Microsoft Excel
Part I: In Excel Part IIWrite a two to three (1-2) page memo in which you summarize the firm’s financial position, based on the information provided in Part I.
DATE: November 6, 2020
SUBJECT: Analysis of firm’s financial position
June 30, 20XB December 31, 20XA
The current ratio and quick ratio were 4.05 on June 30, 20XB, while on December 31, 20XA, they were 4.87. The quick ratio is determined as current assets minus inventories divided by the current liabilities. Still, there were no inventories or stock, which explains why the two liquidity ratios are equal. As these ratios are above 1 in both years, the company can meet the short-term obligations as they fall due. The current assets covered the current liabilities in both periods, but it was better on December 31, 20XA, as the liquidly ratios were higher. When comparing with the industry average, if the ratios are higher than the industry’s current and q...
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