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Visual & Performing Arts
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LeWitt's Defitinition of Conceptual Art

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Please answer all questions for the two articles, try to be stright from the text as possible no need to be too professional, please use easy sentences

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Art Article Questions
Sol LeWitt’s Reading Questions
Answer 1
LeWitt defines conceptual art as the artwork adapted from an idea. Notably, the artist’s idea is the most significant aspect of the artwork. LeWitt makes it clear that when an artist decides to use the conceptual art form, it indicates that the decision and planning occur before-hand and the execution is done without the real interest (LeWitt 822). Conceptual art is intuitive, and it does not depend on the craftsman’s skills.
Answer 2
In conceptual art, the artist does not plan on how to come up with a particular artwork since he is guided by his or her idea and intuition. On the contrary, LeWitt asserts that the art that is meant to impress viewers’ is known as perceptual. As such, perceptual art entails proper planning to ensure that the artist uses the right color, optical, light, and kinetic. The functions of perception and conception contradict one another since one is pre-fact, and the other is post-fact (LeWitt 824).
Answer 3
LeWitt uses a pre-set plan to avoid subjectivity. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of designing a particular artwork. The plan is crucial in designing the work. Despite some plans having a million variations, they are finite. In most cases, the artist is the one who chooses whether an artwork will have finite or infinite variations. Most importantly, the fewer the variations, the better since they eliminate capricious, subjectivity, and arbitrary.
Answer 4
In my opinion, LeWitt wants to eradicate the artist’s subjectivity to make the artwork real and comprehensible (LeWitt 824). In this case, the artist uses readily available methods and embraces simp...
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