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Communications & Media
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Personal Experience in Violating Nonverbal Norms

Coursework Instructions:

Engage in some firsthand exploration of what happens when we violate the norms that govern nonverbal behavior.
Choose two nonverbal norms and intentionally violate each of them in two separate situations– intentionally do what would not typically be expected in that particular situation. For instance using the norms given as examples in part one you could enter an elevator and stare directly at someone or have a face to face conversation with someone without making eye contact. Be sure that your behavior is a clear violation of a norm, not just a situation where the opposite norm might apply. In your assignment you must do the following for each violation:
· Summarize your experience by stating the norm you violated, describing the situation in which you violated the norm and how you specifically did so.
· Describe how you felt while violating the norm and discuss the reaction you observed.
· Discuss the reasons why you think the nonverbal norm exists.
In completing this assignment, be respectful of other people. This assignment offers a chance to do something interesting by engaging in behavior outside the norm and observing reactions to the unexpected. It does not provide justification for doing things that threaten, intimidate, or endanger others.
Nonverbal norms are discussed in the chapter on nonverbal communication.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Violating Nonverbal Norms
Summarize your experience by stating the norm you violated, describing the situation in which you violated the norm and how you specifically did so. Describe how you felt while violating the norm and discuss the reaction you observed.
Discuss the reasons why you think the nonverbal norm exists. Two interrelated nonverbal norm violations I chose to talk about are looking up all the time when talking with someone and another one is looking at their feet during the whole conversation.  In the West, it is expected that in face to face conversations, people look at each other regardless of their gender. I felt awkward for making a bad impression despite seemingly pretending that I did not care how the other people looked at me and judged me. The conversations occurred outdoors and the other people were mostly older and failing to make eye contact was the violation of a norm.  I was aware that I was likely judged harshly as being dis...
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